Oh boy...

"Dad, can we sit down and have lunch? Let's sit and talk, all of us" I offered, trying to smile, and the two men eyed each other with sneers.

"It's obvious I'm not welcome" Jordan tossed, not taking his eyes off my dad.

"You sure as hell are not! What were you in for? Grand theft auto? Armed robbery? Definitely something exciting like that!" My dad grunted.

"Dad!" I yelled.

"No, sir. Contrary to men like you, I don't steal from the less fortunate" Jordan grunted himself.

"How dare you, you-"

The two of them started to argue back and forth, words were said, fingers were pointed, and all the while I was stuck in the middle of the two men of my life, not knowing what to do. Ok, I was a regional manager, I've dealt with big fights that turned nasty, and I always managed to resolve them.

"Alright, shut up you two." I snapped, pushing both of them away from each other - their noses were almost touching at this point. "Jordan, this will be the grandfather of our baby; he's tough and hard to love, but you will learn." I turned to my dad and he gaped at me, offended "Dad, he's the father of your grandchild; you will get to know him and you will respect him. No, no!" My hands were up as both of them started to argue again "This is non-negotiable. This is my baby, and I'm not raising it in the middle of all of this. Either you two learn to respect each other, or I will set up a whole bunch of rules."

They both turned their backs, Jordan going out of the house, and Dad going towards the hallway, to his office. Who to follow?

"Dad." I called from the front door "He's a really great guy."

"I can't believe that's who you've chosen. Your mother would have been so disappointed" He muttered, stabbing my heart before he got into his office.

I went out to follow Jordan into my car. I fought back the tears, which was really hard because of all the hormones. Jordan was surprised to see me there, which wasn't great for me - did he have that little faith in me?

"You look awful." He sighed, grabbing my hand and kissing it "Was he nasty to you before I left?"


"No, it's fine." I lied, shrugging "Look, I know he can be... difficult" I shrugged.

"Hey." He suddenly smiled "Tell you what, let's go back to my flat and I'll make you some lunch - all pregnant lady friendly."

I smiled a bit, and he leaned down to kiss me softly.

"Babe, I'm here for you, ok?" He promised.

"I know." I nodded, looking down at my lap "I just have to deal with the fact that... my dad is just a bit... judgmental." I sighed "Will you really make me lunch? I'm starving."

"Anything you want." He chuckled, getting the car on the road "He'll come around... I hope..."


"Wow." Eva winced, as she sat in my office back at work "That's really hurtful... Your dad can be a real piece of work. Have you spoken to him?"

I looked out my massive windows towards the busy and sunny Miami as I heard Eva. Dad and I hadn't spoken for a few days, and I was definitely getting worried. What do you do when the last person in your family doesn't approve of the person you've chosen to... have a baby with? Ok, maybe I hadn't chosen this, but it had happened and... that was that. Jordan was in this, and there was no turning back.

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