The Plan*

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When the small recon group arrived back at the hospital, Bulma was eager to explain the plan. They were to take Mr. Popo, since he knew Namekian, and take the ship to Namek. As Bulma told the group Mr. Popo interrupted, saying he was not going to leave earth.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT GOING MY WHOLE PLAN DEPENDED ON YOU!" Bulma shouted, fist clenched at him.
"Calm down, Mr. Popo you could teach one of us Namekian correct? The simple namekian that would make guiding the ship possible?" Hela asked him, arms crossed as she leaned against the window seal.
She now wore her weighted cloak, much to the Doctor's dismay. It hurt her wound but she knew the only way to heal was to train, there was no waiting. Vegeta could already be healed and training and she couldn't let him beat her again. That cheap shot won't get her next time.
"Of course." Mr. Popo has answered, his hands firmly behind his back.
"It will take a few extra days to input it all into the system but it should work." Bulma concluded. "But I'm not going all by myself! Who will come with me?"
Hela immediately looked up, "I'll go."
"No, I'll go. Hela you stay here with Goku. He'll need a sparing partner once he gets up." Krillin insisted.
Gohan had suddenly thrown the blankets off himself, sitting up. "Mom..."
"What's wrong baby?" Chi Chi asked her son, worry full in her gaze.
"I want to go with Krillin and Bulma!" He almost shouted, startling his mother.
A small argument broke out between them. Gohan had actually shouted at his mom. Hela couldn't help but grin, he was getting stubborn. His Saiyan blood was surely going to get him in trouble. She knew the two of them with Bulma was a good idea, and she would get stronger with Goku so she opted not to argue with their decision for them to meet in ten days and leave without her.

(A/N: this chapter is kinda short but don't worry I've got more coming today! I can't believe this is already at 40 reads, that's a big number for me haha. Don't be afraid to comment or like my chapters! Y'all keep me wanting to write :D)

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