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(A\N) I got up a new cover. Yay! Before you start reading, I forgot to say that telepathic conversations will also be in italics. So, yeah. Now go forth and read!

Sophie sat on the plush couch in the living room of Havenfield. Mr.Forkle and Granite stood in front of her while Biana, Fitz, Dex, and Keefe-who came over with the two men- sat around her. Granite had an emergency meeting because he needed to tell them crucial information. Sophie expected it to be bad, but she never expected what they said.

"So, what you're telling me is that I'm only one part of Project Moonlark?" Forkle nodded grimly.

Fitz jumped onto the question train, "Which means there another elf out in the forbidden cities?"

"Well yes, but-" Mr.Forkle began to say before Keefe cut him off. "There's someone else out there like Sophie!"

Mr.Forkle continued "Yes, but we did their DNA a little differently than Sophie's." Everyone- not including Granite -just stared at him. Even with all the answers, they were getting Sophie felt as confused as ever.

"How exactly did you do their DNA differently than mine?" Sophie's confusion seeped into her voice.

It was Granite's turn to speak. "You see, ummm...both of your parents are elves, she only has one elven parent." He must've felt they were saying too much because definitely showed.

"Soooo, it's a girl." Dex piped up. Granites' face scrunched up, probably silently cursing himself for the slip he made.

"Dex, you're missing the point." Fitz spoke turning his attention back to the adults "If she's only part elf, what species is her other parent? A human?"

"Sort of, It's just hard to explain and understand." He made exasperated hand gestures. Sophie's eyebrows knit together.

Hey don't be so stressed Fitz's voice echoed through Sophie's mind

It's kinda hard not be Sophie's mental voice responded

Just take deep breaths. You'll be good

Before she could respond Keefe said, "Hey lovebirds, quit with the head conversations!" Sophie blushed profusely, and Fitz glared at him. Eager for a change of topic Sophie thought of something to say. "What's so hard to understand about it? One parent's an elf, one's a human. See I understand."

"Sophie, it's a bit more complicated than that. We sent you to live with humans to get a unique perspective on them. She was sent to the human world for a different kind of perspective."

"Different how?"

"Like I said earlier it's hard to explain and understand." His voice seemed scarily firm.

"Sorry. I guess I can try to explain it to you." Sophie instantly felt better, more appreciated. "Really!?"

"I guess. Tell you anything you want, but only one thing." A shred of disappointment swelled inside of Sophie. She had hoped they would be able to learn everything they knew about her, but one thing was better than nothing. Her mind ran through a list of ideas. She could ask about this girls name, what she looked like, where she was, but one thing pricked at her mind the most.

"Do you think you could tell us about her non-elven parent?" The only response she got was both of them -Granite was hard to see- just stared into space. Then Granite cleared his throat.

"Well, i-it was her father. He's almost human, but he's not. There are, actually, a lot of kids like her, and, I believe, she has brothers and sisters.

"So, who's her father and how's he not human or elf?" Biana hadn't spoken in so long Sophie forget she was there.

Mr.Forkle waved his finger at them. "We said, we'd tell you one thing and we did." He looked towards the clock on the wall. (I think they clocks. I mean it's never said straight out, but I doubt they can just guess the time, correctly, off the top of their heads.)

"I think we really must be off. People will begin to wonder where we are." He waved them all a goodbye and walked out the door with Granite. Now Sophie was stuck with more questions than answers and big things hanging over her conscious. Her friends began to stand up around her.

"I think we better start heading home," Keefe spoke up

"Yeah, yeah, you're right." Sophie -once again- wave goodbye as her friends all held up their home crystals and leaped away. She sighed and walked back into the house. Her feet pulled her up the stairs to her third-floor room. Gravity pulled her towards her bed where she curled up in a tiny ball. Sandor -her goblin bodyguard- stood guard outside her door. She just laid there for a little while to think over all the information she got today The troubles of today finally hit her, and Sophie slowly drifted off to sleep.

Yay! 800 words (not including this). The first chapter is done and I'm already working on the second.

Love it? Hate it? Have suggestions? Please comment!

I was really happy to see the reads so far. I was expecting there to be only one but there was more and now I'm all filled up with joy. I'll try to get the next chapter out soon. It will be from a new point of view. Now I have school tomorrow, so I really need to go to bed. Goodnight!


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