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Hi there.
So it's been over 3 years since I've added anything here and close to two years since I've even touched this account. It's safe to say quite a bit has changed.
When I started writing this story, I was a book-obsessed 11 to 12-year-old, knee deep in the world of fan culture. My writing style was truly that of a cringy child's fanfiction. Random authors notes in the middle of sentences, an unclear grasp of proper grammar, and a sense of humor that makes me want to dig a grave and die in it. I had obviously just learned the use of an em dash and decided to use it anywhere I could. Not to mention the use of a self-insert MC who had a "massively dorky crush" on this boy who definitely couldn't like her back, and yes, he was also based off of a real guy, and yes I want to hit myself for this.
It's been quite awhile since I've read a KOTLC book and my demigod journey ended this past year when I finally got around to finishing the Kane Chronicles. Yet, I find myself returning here once again as I have decided to try rereading KOTLC and the memories all started coming back.
As much contempt as I hold for my time in middle school, and everything that has come after, I find myself smiling at this little look into my past. I read this story and I thank the young girl I once was for finding the joy that she did in writing. No matter the spelling mistakes or cringe-worthy attempts at making herself look cool in authors notes, I thank her. Because without that love I don't know who I'd be now.
To reiterate, quite a bit has changed. I am no longer the girl that wrote this story, nor a girl at all. I no longer hold the same love and passion for these franchises as she did. I no longer hold myself way I once did. And, I am certainly no longer attracted to that weird emo kid from my 6th grade math class. But of course, not everything is different. My hands remain same; they hold the palms, the fingers, the knuckles that typed these chapters. My eyes remain the same; the green of which I once described still devouring word after word of lengthy fiction in my free time. My words remain the same; my speech still interrupted with "like"s and "um"s and jumbled words from my brain. Most of all, my heart remains the same. It pumps and floods with love for crafting, for making and writing stories, for seeing people love and appreciate my stories. Although I have changed, I continue to write. The contents may be different, the audience as well, but they are still made from my words and my fingers and my eyes and my heart.
Why do I say all of this now? Three years gone on unfinished story about things I no longer know. Why do I come and speak for an empty amphitheatre?
I don't know. Nostalgia, hope, maybe a little bit of attention. I can't answer for I don't know. But what I do know is the message I wish to leave you with. Thank you. If you have ever sat down and read a chapter of this story, thank you. If you have commented and voted, thank you. If you were a silent observer, thank you. If you have asked for this story to return, thank you (and sorry lol). If this story lives on as nothing but a tiny, tiny place holder in the back of your mind, thank you too. It does not matter to me the lack of impression I may left, all that matters is you clicked on this story. You interacted with it. You've told me to keep writing, keep going, keep doing this. I want you to know that I am thankful for you.

With love,
Dreamer or Sealy or however I may be remembered here.

p.s. away from all of the sappy stuff, yes i still write fanfiction. it is about kpop and on tumblr. If you really want to know, ask me, because i will not put it on this letter 💀

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