Unlike what I've seen before, however, Archer's volley seems a lot more scattershot. I hear explosions further down the hill behind us. Also unlike before, Saber's ready to go. She immediately throws off the poncho and charges at Berserker, keeping herself between us and the giant.


> skip back to: iteration 17, day 3, morning

This whole line of thought is just stupid. I mean, Berserker is a freaking tank. Both class-wise and in terms of build. He's like Golden Age Superman and the Hulk wrapped into a single, constantly steroid-raging package. Oh, and with Wolverine regeneration! How the hell do you beat something like that?

> well what stops tanks

Um, bigger tanks? Close air support? Budget cuts? I'm gonna need some more to go on here.

> all i'm saying is maybe look into it

Get my military otaku on, you mean?... Well, I guess I could do that. If you think it could help.


> skip forward to: iteration 18, day 2, early morning

"So riddle me this, nerd," Rin snarls. She presses an accusing index finger right in between my eyes. It's the hand she does the pew pew thing with, so I'm pretty sure this is the mage equivalent of sticking a gun in my face. "If this whole time loop story of yours isn't a big ol' load of bullshit -- then how the fuck did you not know Berserker was waiting for us right outside the church?!"

I swallow. I had a feeling this part was going to be rough. "Um. Actually. I did know."


Her reaction's understandable, when you think about it. They've just gotten back from their trip to the church. Over by the kitchen doorway, Saber supports an unconscious Emiya by herself. So from Rin's point of view, I just sent them into a potentially deadly situation without any forewarning. Which did feel kind of wrong and weird, even though it would have happened anyway if I didn't show up at all... man. Time travel ethics, you know? They're a thing.

"But I also knew you'd all make it back, okay?!" I blurt out. "Emiya'll be fine in the morning, I promise. And I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this time, but I'm trying to plan something and I needed a clean run. Which is why I also couldn't tell you that Lancer's Master is Kotomine until now."

"Kotomine's... what?" Rin stares at me.

"It's broken, I know. Again, sorry." She hasn't shot me yet, at least, so I keep going. "And also, if you didn't have this fight tonight, bad things can happen. Like a few loops ago, we skipped the church and then the scary little girl turned up and killed you on Monday night in this really fucked-up way. And that memory's been kind of messing with my head? Like, emotionally. So yeah."

Across the room, Saber blinks and glances between the two of us. Okay, maybe a little more information than I really meant to volunteer there...

Rin slowly lowers her hand, her eyes narrowed. "... what do you mean by a clean run?"

"I mean that I need to know how things go down in that fight if I don't interfere at all." I pick up the pen and pad I set out on Shirou's kitchen table. "As soon as Emiya's patched up -- I need you both to tell me exactly what just happened, okay? In as much detail as you can."


> skip forward to: iteration 19, day 1, early night

"Oh, come on." In the same kitchen one loop later, Rin crosses her arms. "This is ridiculous! I don't care if you're Shin's relative or whatever. I just met you! Why should we listen to any of this?"

fate/first order derivativeWhere stories live. Discover now