We all said our goodbyes when the bell sounded through the halls and Kyle and I headed for English which we had period one. We weaved through the other students and finally managed to reach the classroom but I had an eerie feeling as soon as I walked in and Penny was smirking in my direction. 

 I looked over to where Jenna and Wren were and they looked at me very worriedly.

 "What's happening?" I asked Wren as I sat down.

 "Esme we need to tell you something-"

 But before he could get another word out I glanced at the classroom door when it opened and saw the last person I ever expected to see again walk in. He smiled straight at me as soon as he walked in and sent a wink in my direction with his same arrogant attitude that I had binned a year ago when I dumped him.

 Kane Ambrose and I had dated from when I was fifteen to when I was sixteen. We were known to be the 'it' couple at the time as we had actually managed to make it past two weeks together but that all ended soon after I turned sixteen and the real side of Kane came out. We broke up very quickly and he was sent to England to go to a boarding school which his parents hoped would straighten him out a little.

 Nobody but myself and people close to me knew why we broke up so suddenly and why he was sent away to the other side of the world and so naturally rumours started to circle the school. Some said that I had gotten pregnant and he had forced me to have an abortion, which was pretty impossible as I had never had sex with him. Some people claimed that he was in a drug ring and I didn't agree so his parents sent him away to get help for his drug addiction, which was also completely absurd.

 He walked straight over to my desk and placed his hands down right in front of me. "Hey baby," his voice sounded deeper than it was a year ago but his overall appearance hadn't seemed to change much. He still had the slicked-back, black hair, the dark brown eyes, the chiselled jaw and the lips I had always adored.

 I felt my heartrate elevate and my mouth go dry. I was frozen in place. "Kane, back off," Wren seethed at the guy who I used to know so well.

 "Aw why the hard feelings Taylor?" He held his hands up to Wren who simply protectively held an arm over my shoulders. "Oh I get it, she's your property now. How precious," he chuckled and then looked at the back to where he saw Penny. I leaned further into Wren and hoped that he would somehow protect me from crying my eyes out.

 "Welcome back Ambrose," her voice had all of a sudden became higher.

 I watched as he coolly slid into the seat next to me and turned so that he could talk to the people at the back. "What have I missed?"

 I looked over at Wren and Jenna with tears pricked in my eyes. Kane had ruined my life a year ago and anxiety that was already existing prominently in my life had been made one thousand times worse. That was why I tended to not trust people with knowing my anxiety issues because he just took advantage of mine when he found out.

 "Kane, maybe go sit with Penny if you're gonna chat with her," Jenna suggested calmly and I shot her a thankful smile but he did not budge from where he was comfortably sat.

 "Nah, I'm sure Essie here doesn't mind me here," he placed his hand on my shoulder and I immediately tensed up. The sheer feeling of a part of him touching me was absolutely terrifying and made my skin crawl. I looked down at his hand and then looked away with my eyes bolted closed so that I could pretend it wasn't happening. 

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