Chapter Three

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Love Mama Marshmallow xox


As I was lying in bed that night, after saying good night to my family, I laid awake, at midnight listening to the heavy patter of rain. No doubt that tomorrow morning it will have turned to snow and ice. I replayed the conversation I had with Uncle Edward in my head.


“So what happened today?” I asked my Uncle curiously.

“Nothing. I just…. Had class with Bella, and I just… spoke to her, a bit.” He answered a little reluctantly. He was never this hesitant when he spoke to me, he always told me what was on his mind. What was it that made this girl different?

*Flashback over*

I didn’t realise that a soft melodic voice was oozing me to sleep, as they sung to me softly and to be honest I think I needed it. I don’t think I could of fallen asleep without some help tonight.

The next morning, bright greyish light was streaming through my open window. I hissed, and cowered into my blankets and pillows.

“The light, it burns.” I growled, as I spoke to myself.

Again, I heard a different giggle, and saw Auntie Rose sitting in my armchair, reading one of my favourite Jane Austen novels, Pride and Prejudice.

“Well, good morning.” I smiled sleepily. Auntie raced to my side, and stroked my normal, hot forehead affectionately, as she smoothed the small curls that fell over my forehead. As I had washed my hair in the shower last night, my hair had automatically returned to my naturally curly hair.

“What was wrong last night?” she asked me softly. Ah, so she was the one who sung me to sleep.

“Uncle Ed.” I whispered silently. “He has been distant, since Bella Swan arrived.”

“Do you know where he went last night?” Auntie asked.

Where in the land of jelly beans did he go last night?! “No, no I don’t. What happened?”

“Edward left the house at about two and came back about seven this morning, without telling us a thing.”

I must have looked dishevelled and confused. “Ah, I’ll leave you to get dressed for school.” She smiled, as she pecked my forehead lightly, and disappeared without another word.

I groaned, as I muttered words under my breath, and quickly undressed out of my pyjamas. I pulled on the peach coloured super skinny jeans, and woollen grey jumper that Auntie had obviously chosen for me. I paired it with a peach coloured knitted scarf, and soft grey heeled boots. I brushed through my curly bed hair, and applied strawberry flavoured lip gloss to my perfect lips.

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