Chapter 4

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Sure to Adam's words they reached the Millers home late afternoon.
The house was a lot bigger than the Thorntons home.

It was painted white but had green painted on the outlines of the door and windows. There was a huge vegatable garden and slaves were working in the plantations closeby.

Outside the house stood Mr. and Mrs Millers, waiting for them. As they drew close Adam got out of the wagon and helped Kesha out. Mrs Millers said to Adam, "Thank you Adam. You may take the horses to the sables and have one of the slaves feed them."
Adam nodded and said "Yes ma'am."

Before leaving Adam whisped to Kesha "If you are good they will treat you fair enough."

Kesha nodded and looked at the ground  before remembering that Tara told her to look with repect into your masters eyes, so she looked up.

Mrs Millers wore a blue dress with a white bonnet. She looked a lot like Mrs. Thornton, only she had a strong look about her and Kesha guessed she had a say in what went on around the house.

Mr. Millers was a big musculer man  with dark brown whiskers and a short beard.

Kesha walked slowly up the pouch to wear the Millers stood.
"Show me your teeth, girl.' commanded Mr. Miller. Kesha was surprised by the command but did it anyway.

Mr. Miller held her chin while looking at her teeth, by turning her head side to side."Good and strong teeth, just like he promised.I believe I am satisfied with this one." said Mr Miller.

Mrs. Miller scoffed and gently pushed her husband aside, "Enough of that, Wilberd. Turning to Kesha she said in a soft and gently voice,"Whats your name, child."
"Kesha, ma'am." replied Kesha. Mrs. Millers looked at her husband who shake his head in disapproval.

Mrs. Miller spoke again, "The quicker you change the more comfortable you will feel. Starting with your name. I think May is good enough, don't you Wilberd dear?
It is my favourite mounth of the year and I think it is a suitable name."

Mr. Miller sighed as if he had no real choice in the matter anyway. "Yes dear, I do."
Mrs. Miller grinned, "then its settled. Let us not stand around here burning in the heat follow me May."

Once entering Mr Millers walked into a study and shut the door. Mrs Millers called a black slave, who was not more then 45. 

"This is Evaline, she will be in charge of you and teach you everything there is to know around the house."

Mrs Millers turned to Evaline and said, "Take May to her room to drop off her things then take her to Ruby. I think she is still napping."

"Yes, ma'am" said Evaline and took Kesha up the tall staircase. As Kesha looked around in awe at the beautiful house, a tall, teenage girl came walking towards Kesha and Evaline.

"Good afternoon Miss Annie." said Evaline and Kesha gave a quick nod of greeting. Annie looked briefly at Kesha and spoke to Evaline, "Afternoon Evaline" before looking back at Kesha and asking, " Are you the slave that is suppose to serve my sister?"

Kesha nodded, too afraid to speak. Annie's face lit up "That means Adam is back. Where is he now Evaline?"

"Your father send him to take the horse to the barn for the others to feed." said Evaline. Annie smiled and said, "Knowing Adam he will proberly feed them himself ."

Evaline nodded and Annie started down the stairs in a hurry. "That girls playing with fire seeing that errand boy all the time." said Evaline speaking more to herself then to Kesha. She shurgged her shoulders and added, "Oh well, ain't none of my business."

She continued down the passage with Kesha following quickly behind her. Evaline lead her to the attic upstairs. Once there she turned to Kesha and said, "This is your room. You sure is lucky to have such a room of your own. Nobody to share with and you don't stay in that crampy shed like the rest of the slaves. Master Miller insisted that you stay nearby Miss Ruby's room. Place your bag there and  I'll take you to Miss Ruby's room."

Walking down the stairs, Evaline lead Kesha to a room just below hers. Entering the room the first thing Kesha saw was a pile of toys laying outside of a wooden toy chest.

Her eyes then moved to a piano on the side of the room, Kesha was amazed they could fit a piano that big into the medium sized room.

Then her eyes moved to a bed at the other side of the room. White curtains were placed on either sides of the bed and Kesha could see a girl about her age laying on it. Kesha guessed that was Ruby.

"It seems Miss Ruby's still asleep, but she'll be up in a bit. While you wait you can put them toys in the chest and dust the piano, the master like that there piano spotless. I be back later to see how you're doing."
And with that Evaline left the room leaving Kesha with the sleeping girl.

Kesha felt like crying. She missed her family, and Thomas already, but she knew she wasn't alone and crying would give a bad impresstion of her.

She started towards the toys laying on the floor, but as she picked the toys up and was about to put them in the chest she heard a sudden, "Boo!".

Startled, Kesha dropped the toys and spun around. The once sleeping girl was sitting upright in bed and was grinning broadly. "I scared you, didn't I?"
"Yes Miss." said Kesha meekly and shaken.
"My name is Ruby, what's yours?" asked the girl.
"Ke- I mean May miss." said Kesha.
"Pretty name. Are you my new attenend."said Ruby excitedly. "Yes Miss I am."
"Perfect I can teach you to play the piano."said Ruby cheerfully.

"Excuse me miss." asked Kesha not sure she heard her correctly.
"I will teach you how to play the piano," said Ruby more slowly, "and please call me Ruby. Miss makes me sound so old."

"Okay Ruby." said Kesha in agreement as she didn't really like calling her that."So what  song would you like me to teach you?" asked Ruby eagerly.

Songs the slaves sang all went through Kesha's mind but only one song popped up. "There's this song I learned, but I don't know what it's call."

"Hum it. I'll proberly know what it is." Kesha began to hum the song Adam sang many times, she remebered it herself but only the tune.

"I know that song, thats Ode to Joy, Adam sings it all the time." said Ruby and started walking towards the piano. "Sit next to me." she said patting the space next to her.

Kesha walked towards the piano and sat down. As Ruby showed her where to put her fingers Kesha asked shyly, "Do you think you could teach me the words too?"
Ruby looked at Kesha and grinned" Sure thing, May"

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