Chapter 7

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Opening her eyes, she expected to see the general above her but instead she saw Mr. Graham with a rifle in his hand which caused her to realize who had hit her. "You made the biggest mistake of your life, you beast." May shut her eyes as she waited for the death shot. But it never came. When she opened her eyes she saw that the general's had his hand on Graham's shoulder. Just a hand on his shoulder seemed enough to stop him.

"Leave it, Graham." the general commanded. "No Tom, she needs to be made an example of."
"Remember who is the general around here. Do as I say, leave it. We need as much help as we can get and she is still perfectly strong. And don't worry she won't go unpunished. Get her into the wagon and lets go."

Hearing that, May quickly got up. The last thing May needed was for Mr. Graham to 'help' her into the wagon. Once inside the wagon, Kia hugged the life out of her. "If ya ever think about doing something like that, I gonna kill you myself."
May laughed at the light joke but ,meanwhile, all she could think about was that intense gaze she felt on her back from the one she knew belonged to the general, and could only hear the words of his warning...'She will not go unpunished.'

The wagon ride was long and bumpy before they made their first stop. It was a wide open field that was perfect for the many soldiers and slaves. The soldiers set up tents surronding the wagons and slaves, while the slaves had to make do with sleeping under the wagons and pressing together for warmth.

Some of the slaves,including May, were selected to hand out a small loaf of bread and a cup of water to each slave. It wasnt a meal they were too use to but they knew this was the best they could expected, or at least most of them, "Eatin' this makes me think, ol' Frankys food ain't so bad after all." complained Silas, a slave who was often whipped often, for his mouth but never killed, as his work value was too high.

"Shut it Si, do want us all to git in trouble fer ye loud mouth again." said another slave whose name was not known to May. Silas laughed carelessly, "All I'm saying is, ye would think them white folk would give us a little more if they expected us to survive a two week journey with just bread, if ya can call it that, and water." This time it was his friend who laughed, "Who ye think ye are? The king of Africa, them white folk don't give a hoot about if we survive or not. Thats why we're so many."

Silas laughed again, it was something he did often despite the circumstances, "Some day I will be, then them white folk can fear me and I'll feed them bread and water." His friend shook his head, "Go to sleep Silas, you're already dreaming," he said as he made himself comfortable under a wagon, "Ha, Ruler over the whites, that will be the day."  he muttered under his breathe.

May smiled,but couldn't help disagreeing. She didn't like the idea of them being ruler over the whites anymore then she liked them being rulers over her. All she wanted was for them all to just accept each other and get along,she knew it was possible as she thought of all the white friends she had, Betsy, Ruby, the children she played with when she was younger...and Thomas. How she missed her friend.

Before May could think any further on her sad past she heard a whimper and an angry voice she knew all to well, "Don't you know you serve your masters first before you feed yourself, you worthless slave! If I wasn't so hungry and tired , I would have killed you on the spot!"
May witnessed in horror as Graham shoved the slave girl to the ground and watched her bread fall into the soil, Graham noticed too and with a evil smile, stepped on it, before walking to his tent.

The slave girl properly knew that that was her last meal for while, because she picked up the bread and tried to eat parts that weren't so messed up. Finally May couldn't watch her anymore, "Stop" she pleaded, "ye don't have to do that." May looked into the girls eyes and smiled to reassure her then she looked at the loaf in her hand. The woman's eyes widened as she realized what May was about to do.
May handed her the whole loaf. "No, I can't. It's yers!" The woman protested. "Ye look like ye need it more then me, I will be able to handle myself."May said.

The woman looked once more at the bread longingly and took it, but instead of eating the bread she broke it in half and handed the other back to May, "If I'm gonna eat, ye gotta eat too." she said, smiling a little.
May smiled and sat beside her as she took the bread,"Thank ye." May said. "What ye thanking me fer? Its your bread. I'm April by the way." the women said.

May couln't help but let out a smile laugh,"That's funny," she replied," I'm May." Both girls let out soft giggles not forgetting where they were, "They're so creative with there slave names, ain't they?" April joked. May nodded smiling, then said seriously, "We should go before the soliders find us," April nodded walking away, but not before turning back and saying,"I hope to see you again...Akerele."

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Sep 07, 2019 ⏰

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