Chapter 3

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Kilorn walked along the path to the ware house. His messy brown hair blowing in the wind. His brown eyes wondering else where. He was thinking of that faithful night when Lizzie was killed. God he loved her so much....

She didn’t mean to do it but it was all an accident. They had been playing and she didn’t know she was in the public area of the park and she shifted...

Kilorn remembered the blood stained on her hybrid fur... her lifeless eyes staring at nothing. And how Kilorn cried... god did he cry....

They picked up her lifeless body to be studied on and find out what kind of hybrid she was...

Kilorn felt so helpless then... but now he was gonna help the hybrids as much as he could. He was going to make sure that they got their rights....

Kilorn was the type of guy who everyone loved. He was brave, handsome, kind and friendly. He was a favourite... His Verum a huge Grizzly Bear made him a fearsome foe. Loved by all... sadly...

Kilorn turned the corner and walked alongside another guy through the gates to the warehouse. He swung open the door to see two people standing inside.

This was going to be fun....

The Four Elementals |CompletedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon