19; Angel's Date Night

Start from the beginning

 "Actually I have and I'm late. Don't wait up for me," I said to Kyle and then started to walk down the stairs to meet Wren.

 "Hey!" I heard Kyle rush after me and grab onto my wrist when I reached the bottom of the stairs. "Who are you going on a date with?" He asked me with a confused expression plastered on his face.

 "Wren," I said blandly. "Now you can go back to your putrid girlfriend and leave me alone," I pulled my arm out of his grasp and headed out of the door to see Wren stood next to a large black SUV with the door opened for me. He was dressed in a smart suit and had a wonderfully handsome smile on his face.

 "You look stunning Essie," he remarked and outstretched his hand so I could grasp onto him and get into the car.

 "You don't look too shabby yourself, Prince Charming," I winked at him with a smile and slid into the back seat. In the front I was expecting a random man who was driving us but laughed aloud when I saw Wren's older brother wearing a black cabbie hat. "You roped Ace into this?" I giggled and patted Ace's shoulder.

 Wren got into the seat next to me and grinned at me. "Ace owed me so now he's our personal driver," Wren patted Ace's shoulder.

 We were driving for a good twenty minutes before the car pulled up outside of a large field and I looked at Wren with threaded eyebrows. "Where are we?" I asked him. 

 "I know how much you hate fancy shit so come with me," Wren proudly stepped out of the car and came over to my side to open the door for me. I climbed out and looked up at the stars that seemed to be bright that night. I gladly took hold of Wren's outstretched hand and followed him towards the green where there seemed to be fairy lights laid out across a portion of grass with a picnic blanket in the middle.

 "Oh my Gosh Wren," I placed my hand on my chest as we walked further and I saw that there was a small basket filled with my favority goodies and next to the basket was a bottle of wine and two glasses. "We have Twinkies and wine?" I laughed with tears building in my eyes.

 "I was going to do some chocolate covered strawberries but I know you hate them so I have chocolate covered donuts," he chuckled at me when I slumped down very ungraciously onto the blanket and moaned at the sight of all of my favorite treats.

 I sat up on the blanket with my legs in a funny position so I didn't flash my panties to Wren and watched as he sat down opposite me. "Do you remember when we used to play mom's and dad's with Jenna and we would always be the married couple with the kid. We would make dinner together and go for picnics in the park as a family," I asked him whilst popping a chip into my mouth.

 "And Jenna used to tell us off when we fake kissed," he laughed along. "Well, would you like some wine my dear wife?" He asked me with an overdramatic voice.

 "That sounds splendid thank you!" I held out my wine glass and watched as the red liquid trickled until around halfway to the top. I took a sip of the sweet drink and then set it down on top of the basket as it was the flattest surface. "I miss this," I sighed honestly.

 "We've never gone on a date before Essie," he reminded me and I shook my head.

 "I mean spend time together alone without it being weird. I was scared when you first kissed me and honestly now I'm just confused but I like how we can be like this together," he drank some of his wine and then placed the glass next to mine.

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