"The device you're holding," Drake jutted his chin towards the white artifact in Rex's hands.

"Oh yeah, duh." Rex drummed his fingers on its metallic surface. "You know, we really should give it a name other than the object."

"How about The Energizer," the maid put forward.

Drake stared at her, and she smiled back with a mischievous grin. A part of him found it hard to believe she was the same mystical creature that had just been so poised and majestic a few moments ago.

"That's good," Rex exclaimed. "In fact, it's perfect!" Rex held up the barbell shaped device to eye level and said, "From now on, I dub thee The Energizer."

Drake gaped at the both of them. They couldn't be serious; that wasn't a good name at all. How could either of them even think of naming such an ancient, priceless artifact such a childish name. He opened his mouth to tell them exactly what he thought of their foolishness when a particular memory popped into his mind. Earlier that day, someone had found an invisibility blanket.

Pushing the current subject out of his mind, he focused on the event. The image blossomed to life, his eidetic memory bringing the sounds, smells, and imagery back to his remembrance. It was while he was looking for Zaphaniea's name in that small changing room.

"Rex," he said, "Take us to the dressing room by the servants' quarters' exit."

"Why would you want to go... Ah, you're after my invisibility blanket. Wait! How did you even know it's there?"

"That is not important. For now, we need to retrieve it fast as possible," Drake said as he and the maid moved directly behind the vice champion.

Rex shrugged, "Okay then. Follow me." He crouched, swung the door open, and the world around them blurred once more as he took off.

Seconds later, they arrived at the aforementioned room. Entering the changing area, the maid walked to the left and grabbed at the nondescript wall. It blurred as it came off in her hand, revealing an open metal locker. "It seems the armor from before is missing."

"That's because I'm wearing it!"

"I see," she said. "It appears it is a good thing we didn't take it then."

Rex's masked face seemed to glare at her. "You bet it is! How did you even know it was there?"

"The maids can see invisible things," Drake informed him.

"You can as well," the silver-haired woman corrected him.

Drake was about to say, no I can't, when she shook the blurry air in her hand, drawing his attention to it. With bewilderment, he realized he could indeed see the invisible blanket in the form of a hazy blue outline. This must be what she'd meant when she had said she was bequeathing upon him the ability to see the truth even when it was hidden.

She held the blanket out towards him and he gently took it from her. "Thank you. It is a great gift, and I will use it well," he said with heartfelt gratitude.

"What in the world?! It's my blanket. All she did is find it. Why are you thanking her?" Rex protested.

Drake turned to him and hefted the now stupidly named The Energizer from him. As he wrapped it in the invisibility blanket, he shrugged. "We need to go."

Rex threw his hands up in the air in frustration. "Fine," he mumbled. "Give her all the glory for stealing my blanket." With a sigh, he turned around and dashed back out the door and down the hall.

Once more, they appeared in the training room a few seconds later and Rex peeked out the door before closing it. "Okay, we got the blanket. How do you plan to get us to my father?"

Blood Oath (Book 2 of Alfireán age)Where stories live. Discover now