Chapter 8 - Back Home

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*Third Person Point of View*

"I'm sorry, ma'am, there's still no sign of your daughter or the others." Mrs. Hectin nodded with tears falling. Mrs. Hectin, Skyler's mother, was crying over the the disappearance of her daughter and son. All of her children were gone. "I just want my babies back...," she sobbed. The police officer nodded. "Do you have any idea where your children or the other missing children might be? Anyone that might want to hurt her? Any reason people would like her less, or be jealous?", he asked her. He wished his partner was here, but his partner, Robert Danay, was father to the missing boy and twins. He was great with words, and knows Mrs. Hectin. He took a different case, though, because he's to personally involved. "She was top of her class. Jessica and Skyler were on the cheerleading team. Kyle and Jason were on the football team. Jessica, Skyler, and Kyle were all in the advanced classes," she said in between sobs. He nodded. "Ma'am, we have reason to think this was a kidnapping. Do you know if there's anyone in particular who dislikes any of them? Maybe an old best friend? Or a rival?" Mrs. Hectin just shook her head. "That's all for now, Mrs. Hectin. You're free to go. Do you need a ride?", he asked politely, even though he was praying she would say no. "No thank you, Officer. Please tell me if you find any news." He nodded his head as she left. Stacy Hectin was devastated. Her only children were taken right from her. She knew her daughter was upset before she left for school, but she couldn't have possibly run away. Could she? No. Stacy knew her daughter wouldn't do that to her. She got in her car, and drove the five minutes to her house. Stacy decided to look at her daughter's room. She hadn't looked in it at all since she went missing. Skyler hadn't come home that night for dinner. Her parents had called the school, and they said she hadn't shown up at all. They had called the police, and it was decided that they were missing. She swallowed her nerves, an stepped into her daughter's room. She gasped. She had painted it an electric blue without her permission, but what shocked her most was that her room was a mess. She knew her daughter would never keep her room like that. She had clothes thrown all over the place. Stacy looked around the room and saw that all the make-up, beauty products, dog products, and essentials were gone. She choked back a sob as she slowly bent down to look under her daughter's bed, and saw that her suitcase and travel bags were gone. She rushed out of the room, and cried as the situation came crashing down on her. Through muffled sobs, she called the officer working on the case. "Hello?", the officer asked.
"Hello? This is Stacy Hectin. Skyler Hectin's mother."
"Yes? What do you need?" She swallowed the lump in her throat, and said, "I don't think my daughter was kidnapped... I-I t-think that she ran away from something."
"Really? I'll be right over," he said as he hung up the phone. The officer came with a team of detectives about five minutes later. "Okay, ma'am. Can you show us why you think this?", the officer asked. She nodded her head, and made a 'follow me' motion with her hand. They followed after her and she stopped in front of her daughter's room. "This is my daughter's room. She would never keep her room in this condition though. No one has been in here besides me just before at all. It was too painful to look at," she said as she pushed open the door. They all looked in amazement at the room, clearly knowing that this is not what a teenage girl's room should look like. "It looks like she left in a hurry," a woman said. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement or mumbled a response. Stacy showed the detectives everything she noticed was off before. After a hour of thoroughly searching her room, a detective said, "We should look at the other children's rooms."

*Several Hours Later*

The police and detectives all came to the same conclusion- that the children were indeed not taken, they left in a hurry to run from something. There was several questions on everyone's minds, but the most common one was, 'running from what?'

Hey guys! So that was a view on what was going on back home. I know it was short, but I'm eager for the next part of the book.

Teaser: Does anyone like the game twenty questions or twenty confessions?

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