Chapter 4: Gatorade

Start from the beginning

It was then that Al recognized her presence. He turned the blender off and gave Ava a half-smile. "I didn't notice you come in." 

Ava peeled her banana meticulously. "I didn't know you were home."

Al poured the contents of the blender into a tall glass. "I got here last night. I have a quick meeting with a prospective client later today, and I'll be leaving for Manila after the meeting."

"I'm glad to see you." A smiled appeared on her face - an attempt to lighten the mood. She was beginning to feel like she was in some sort of business meeting.

"Aren't you going to be late for school?" Al glanced at the kitchen wall clock. He leaned over the counter, put on his reading glasses, picked up the newspaper and took a sip from his drink.

Ava knew him well enough to know that their conversation was over. Losing her appetite, she abandoned the idea of making herself a sandwich and finished the fruit she picked out. She drank a glass of milk, brushed her teeth and picked up her purse from the kitchen counter before glancing her father's way again. "I'll go kiss Lola goodbye."

"Don't bother... She's still asleep."

Ava nodded and motioned to leave and search for their driver.

"Ava..." Al's deep gravelly voice stopped her.

She looked his way expectantly just before she could step out of the door.

Al didn't even look up from the newspaper article he was reading. He simply said, "You look good."

Though he couldn't even see it, Ava smiled. "Thanks, Pa." As she headed for school that day, Ava knew that she could live on that compliment for weeks.


 The sun was rising over the mountains and its rays were beginning to penetrate through the windows of the two-floor townhouse that belonged to the Lee family. Twenty-three-year-old Sophia Lee was sitting in front of the breakfast table, the scent of coffee and cinnamon wafting in the air. Her lips curled into a smile. Mama's making French toast. It reminded her of her younger brother, Ezer, who was on his first year in a 2-year mission exposure trip to Indonesia. French toast was his favorite breakfast. Take care of him, Lord. She then made a mental note to email Ezer later that day.

Leaning against the round dark wood table, Sophia tucked a stray strand of her shoulder-length black hair behind her ear, her brown eyes set on the beautiful view outside the large window that the table was set next to. Laid beside a red mug of steaming hot cocoa on top of the table, her phone vibrated. Sophia picked it up and pursed her lips before reading the message. It was Ava.

Dadz home, ate! Hez leavin l8r tho :( ..but he told me I luk gud! <3 Luv it! Mornin!

Sophia's eyes twinkled at what she read. She was well aware of Ava's family situation and knew how the teenager was desperately trying to earn her parents' approval. She deserves much more than the scraps they're throwing her way. Sophia sighed, her thumb flying over her phone's keypad as she composed a response.

That's gr8, Ava! Of course you look good. Glad 2 know he told u wat is definitely true. Also glad u got 2 see him. Have a blessed day, sweetie.

For some reason, Sophia found that the past few days, every time she thought of Ava, there was a nagging feeling of dread that would come over her. Not knowing exactly what to pray for, she closed her eyes and silently prayed in the Spirit, the heavenly language flowing from the unfathomable mysterious unknowns of her spirit and out of her small, pouty pink lips. She then breathed a deep sigh, sensing the peace settling over her anxious soul. She ended her prayer with, You know what's going on with her, Lord. I entrust her to You.

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