17; The Bad Boy's Promise

Start from the beginning

"My parents wouldn't be happy about you dropping me off." My voice trails off into a moan when he buries his face into my neck, sucking on the sensitive spot just underneath my ear.

"I won't walk you to the door then," he suggests.

Suddenly my control slips and I find myself asking him for something that I only had the courage to ask in my daydreams. "Kiss me, Hunter." I don't know where I found my newfound courage, but all thoughts float away when he captures my lips in a bruising kiss of clashing teeth and battling tongue.

I moan into his mouth, shiver travelling up my spine when he tugs on my hair. He tugs on it just hard enough to expose my neck and he gladly leans in, sucking and biting on the soft skin there. My eyes screws shut as his hand slithers into my sweater, fingers rubbing patterns on my back. He pulls back, blowing on my neck that's moist with his saliva.

"Hunter." He pulls back just as I say his name, smirking down at me. He pecks my lips once more and finally pulls away from me completely. I immediately miss the pressure and heat of his body. I caress the healing scar on his eyebrow. "What happened to you?"

He gives me a bitter smile, kissing the underside of my wrist. "Nothing you need to worry about."

"Tell me."

"I'll tell you when all of this is over." His voice is quiet as he speaks and I notice a certain sadness latching onto them.

I frown, not satisfied with his answer. "When what's over?"

"Leah, do you like it when I kiss you? When I touch you?"


"Just answer me."

His tone is serious and his usual smirk is gone. "I do."

His face is resentful, looking at me like he regrets ever kissing or touching me. Maybe he doesn't want me to enjoy it. Maybe he's scared I'll think that we can be something more than what we are now. "Then I feel sorry for you," he finally mutters, fidgeting with my fingers. "I feel sorry that you enjoy being touched by someone as fucked up as me."

I wrench my hand away from his. "Stop it. You're not fucked up. You just need a friend. You need someone to talk to about your problems. You're keeping it all bottled up. Have you even told anyone about what happened to you? About how you got the cut on your back or the bruises on your cheek or that cut on your eyebrow."

"I don't want anyone to pity me. No one's going to get dragged into this just because I want to talk to them about some of my shit problems."

"I don't pity you. I just wish you would open up more."

He scoffs, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it up with shaky hands. I furrow my eyebrows as I watch him struggle to do the simple task of lighting the cigarette. After a few tries he gives up, but I take the lighter from his hand, lighting it and holding it up to the end of the cigarette that hangs from his mouth. He needs something to calm himself down. He looks so visibly shaken. I am afraid he's going to have an anxiety attack.

He blows a couple of puffs, inhaling the smoke into his lungs before exhaling it out. His lips look extremely alluring as he wraps it around the cigarette. He makes smoking look enticing and for once I slightly understand why a lot of young people might think smoking makes them look cool.

"Shit." He turns, pacing back and forth, occasionally tapping the cigar to let the excess ash fall. He buries his hands in his hair, closing his eyes. "I won't touch you again, Leah. I promise I won't."

Hearing this, I frown in disappointment. He had just kissed me like his life depended on me and then suddenly he's making a promise to never touch me again. "What's wrong with you? Why won't you just tell me what's going on?"

"There you are!" I hear someone chirp as they make their way towards Hunter, embracing him. A second later Matthew follows, fixing his pants. I grit my teeth. He came here with me, but he's spending time with another person instead.

"You wanna get food?" His eyes flicker to Hunter as he speaks. It's like he doesn't want Hunter to know what really happened in the toilet, but little does he know, Hunter is already one step ahead of him.

"No. I need to go home."

"What? It's still early. Your curfew is at 10."

"If you want to stay here and have food with Hunter and Vanessa, you can, but I just need to get home right now."

I feel frustrated that Hunter won't let me in on anything he's going through, and I know it's none of my business but it is when he shows up at my house hurt, and then touches me in my own bed. He has been giving me clues all night, but none of it makes sense. It only leads to even more questions and that irritates me beyond belief. I trust him enough to let him push me against the tree and then kiss the living daylight out of me, but he doesn't trust me enough to tell me just a little bit about what he's going through.

"I'll take you home," Hunter calls out as he steps in front of me, blocking me from my track.

"What about me?" I hear Vanessa protest, but Hunter doesn't even glance at her.

"Matthew can take care of you." He steps closer to me. "Just let me take you home."

I nod grudgingly.



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