Portal - 5

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Seeing the very colorful portal ahead of me I take a deep breathe in; then out. It's been a while since I've been to another universe/ I close my eyes as I walk forward and feel like I'm falling once again. When I opened my eyes again it felt like an acid trip! It's so bright and colorful it's blinding me. At the end of the trippy portal I see colorful flowers down ahead and I land straight on it. I stood up and looked around. 'I have a bad feeling about this...'. Walking down this corridor I see a colorfully decorated door way, peering inside I see Flowey dressed in a Sk8tr snap back hat and wearing sun glasses? Seems like he's playing with a toy skateboard as well?

I nervously walk to him, this all seems very scary since it was never so happy looking down here before. He looks up at me putting away his skateboard. "Oh hey dude you must be new here!" He says. I nod. "Well how about I show you how things roll around here" The box I haven't seen for so long comes back and I see my soul once again.

'So this is just like every other universe but the appearance has changed?'

"See this skateboard? Try to ride it." I go ahead and try to ride it but my soul loses balance right away causing my soul to fall and get damaged. I'm so utterly confused right now. Where are the pellets? "You AIRHEAD ! It's SK8 or be SK8!" He screeched then out of nowhere three skateboards were coming for my soul at all sides.

'. . . what??'

Then suddenly a blurry figure came from above and slammed Flowey in a nearby basketball hoop that I didn't realize was there...

"Get DUNKED ON!!!" Was that.. Toriel?! She turned around, wearing glasses that said 'Chill Out' on them and two lines on each of her ears were dyed different colors and her outfit had neon colors. "Oh why hello lil' dude! Did you see my sweet dunk?" I slowly nod still paralyzed.

"WhAt DiD I gEt MySeLf iN tO?????'

"Oh that's gr8! I'm Toriel btw the caretaker and the most dankest one in the ruins. Lemme show you around lil' one." She holds my hand and drags me out of the dark room. 'So... Um... this is a joke universe? Or?? 80's??' All around the ruins it's decorated with streamers and such and I swear I saw a disco ball somewhere. Monsters skating and dancing everywhere. "Well whaddaya think so far? Pretty fresh right?" Toriel asked me.

"Uh yeah it's pretty... fresh?" I questioned myself, what does she mean by fresh?

"Aw sweet I knew you would think so! Now come along lil' one." I followed her to her home, it's still sweet looking from the outside , minus the neon streamers. Walking inside the only difference was just the colors were mostly neon and there was a boom box. She had a room for me filled with allot of skateboards, and she made me a pie with allot of different berries. Finally out of shock of how different and bizarre this place is I go and ask Toriel some questions about skating in this world.

"Skating? Well it's the first fun thing we could do here, without it we only had dancing but that's just something extra. Skating is much more thrilling! But, plenty of monsters take it so seriously that if you lose they'll exile you." she looks down seriously for a moment. But then looks back up happy and bright again " Oh well! We're in the ruins so that can't ever happen down here as long as I'm in charge of course!"


It's odd it wasn't sad to part away from Toriel, she didn't make it seem sad. She tried to duel me in skating but I couldn't skate so I just let her win, but she was so happy that I chose mercy over skating that she let me through. But she gave me the look of 'she's so gonna die out there'. Walking through the snowy woods I mentally prepare myself for what comes next, another version of Sans. For some reason he's the only one through all of this that I always end up being with most of the time. Maybe it's because we're meant to be?

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