Outertale - A Little Welcome

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Looking straight dead at me I couldn't move. She's here! She's actually here!! I haven't seen her for so long, it's so surreal I can't tell if it's a dream or not.. I pinch myself. Ow, no, definitely not a dream. She smiles as she sees this.

"Don't you miss your sister?" She playfully pouted.

Undyne not grasping the dangers of this situation went along with her fighting rant. "You humans are so weird! Is that dust I see on you?!" Undyne yells. She slightly sees the danger I think? She seems like she's processing it as Chara smiles flipping her knife in her hand.

"I'll wait..." Chara says.

Within a few seconds Undyne sees the problem. "You... you little SQUIRT!!! YOU KILLED DIDN'T YOU??" She starts stomping over raising her spear up ready to attack Chara. Stars stood up and used his power to stop Undyne and dragged her far away from Chara,

"NO! Don't go near that monster! She's dangerous Undyne and way more powerful then you think." Stars urgently said. Undyne looked at him. With an indescribable look.

"But we have to stop her! And besides, I'm Undyne! I'm strong, I can take on a small human child. They have what we need to escape anyways!" She lunges at Chara again.

Easily as she predicted Chara moved and dodged Undynes attack and quickly stabbed Undyne before she got her. "UNDYNE!!"

"Ah whoops sorry you startled me." Chara giggled. Undyne backs all the way against the wall, her knees fail to support her and she falls to the floor. Stars seeing his friend gets hurt becomes furious.

"Why are you back here?! Didn't you already toy with us enough last time?!" he yells at her. She doesn't respond, she just stands there and smile. Seeing Stars acting up, I go over to him and place my hand on his back hoping he can calm down a bit. He looks over at me and his face softens. Looking back at Chara again he speaks. "What else do you from us Chara? Isn't there another universe you want to mess around with?" he calmly asks.

"Well..." She looks around. "This universe has a nice setting doesn't it? Space, it isn't everyday you get to see earth from a great distance..." she looks over at me. "And besides it's been awhile since I've seen my precious lil' sister so I wanted to drop in and say hello~!" she "cutely" says. It's disgusting seeing her like this, I feel like I'm gonna barf seeing her face again... Stars put his arm out in front of me.

"Well you've seen her and you said hello already so can you leave us alone?!" Stars yelled out. Chara seemed to think about it.

"Hmph, well fine~ If you don't want me to be here soo badly. I'll just take one more look around the place and head to the next universe liked I planned. See ya later sis." She tries to smile cutely but it just turns out as a scary smile and she walks out the room. Me and Stars look at each other not believing that she just actually left because we told her to.

"Well I didn't expect that she would actually leave..." Stars mumbled. I shrug.

"well she's off to kill off everyone in the next universe anyways so either way if she stays or if she goes she's going to cause hectic problems everywhere and all the time." I say. Undyne grunts cause us to be alarmed again and we dash over to her side remembering what sort of serious situation she's in. "Flip her over, we need to check how deep the wound is." I urgently command. Stars quickly turn her over. "Ow!" I glare at Stars "and be careful about it."

"Sorry" He mumbles softly. "Ah... she's been stabbed pretty badly, the wound is too deep for a simple bandaging." He thinks for a bit. "Let's take her to Alphys! She should be able to save her, she's a doctor after all." I nod and we both pick up Undyne and hold her up to bring her to Alphys.

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