There's More to The Anuk-ite

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Maisys pov
"Scott, Scott. Where are you?" I yelled running down the schools hallway.

"Maisy?" I hear him call.

"Scott" I say entering the library.

"Is it really you?" Scott questioned from somewhere in the library.

"You peed the bed until you were 10" I stated.

"Yep, okay, its you" Scott sighed.

"I'm opening my eyes now" I said

"Maisy wait" Scott shouted as I opened them.

"What?" I asked looking around for Scott.

"Are you crazy?" He questioned as I turned a corner and saw him hiding behind a book shelf

"Hiding in the supernatural section, really?" I teased.

"Are your eyes open?" Scott asked confused as to how I knew where he was.


"Maisy what if the Anuk-ite was in here."

"I would smell it"

"It doesn't have a smell"

"What are you talking about? Its smells nice, like cinnamon" I stated. Scott slowly opened one eye. When he saw it was really just me he relaxed and opened his eyes.

"You can smell it?" Scott asked.

"Yeah. You can't?"

"No one can, Maisy"

"Than why can I?"

"I don't know but that's good, right? I mean you know when it's coming. We can use that"

"I suppose." I worriedly thought about the first time I encountered the Anuk-ite, when it was still two people.

"What?" Scott asked seeing the look on my face.

"Remember how I told you it looked straight through me when I first saw it? Well its a little weird, maybe I can see it but it can't see me." I stated.

"I don't really want to test that theory" Scott spoke.

"I mean think about it. I was with Ethan, Jackson and Aiden when it turned them to stone. It chased after all of them but not after me and I can smell it when no one else can. Scott I was walking around the school looking for you and I had my eyes opened everyones turned to stone, like everyone except, you, me and Stiles. I only closed my eyes before I came in here because I could smell it in the hallway"

"Maisy it doesn't make sense, okay? Why would that happen?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'm like a back up piece in case one of the two Anuk-ite halves died. I would know that though, right? I mean I'm not a puppet. Maybe it has some thing to do with the people inside the Anuk-ite not the Anuk-ite itself. But I did not know Quinn so that didn't make sense." I blurted out random things from the top of my head.

"Wait, stop talking" Scott sigh, obviously thinking of something


"So, if you did know Quinn, say you knew her well, do you really think she could still be in there protecting you from the Anuk-ite"

"I mean its a theory, but I didn't know Quinn."

"And you saw the other half, right? When you guys fought it"

"Well I mean it was dark and I didn't actually get close to it, it knocked back Aiden so I was kinda focused on that and then they started to fight so I wasn't really watching"

"So if you knew the other half?"

"Scott, do you know something I don't"

"It was Aaron" Scott admitted.

"Wilder?" I asked shocked.

"That would be the one" Scott admits sheepishly.

"And you didn't think to mention that my ex boyfriend is a monster currently killing everyone?" I asked incredulously.

"I mean it didn't really come up" Scott spoke scratching the back of his neck nervously. "But it makes your theory more plausible. That kid loved you."

"That's because he was my first boyfriend, that's what they're supposed to do. If I hadn't of left we'd probably still be together"

"No, you would have met Aiden and broke his heart"

"It's like you want me to murder you" I growled

"Sorry" he whispered.

"So, what? Do you think he's still in there, like blinding the Anuk-ite from seeing me somehow"

"It doesn't make sense. He's meant to be dead, but at the same time it's the only thing that makes sense."

"You suck" I muttered before catching a whiff that sweet smelling cinnamon. Which now kinda makes sense considering that's how Aaron used to smell. "He's coming. Close your eyes." I said shutting my eyes.

"Hiding in the library, Scott? Hiding from me? Open your eyes, Scott. You think you can fight me, but you can't. Your friends are gone. They saw my face and it drove them insane. They're gone because of you. You failed them." Stiles' Nogitsune voice sounded through the library. As I snuck away from Scott trying to get behind the Anuk-ite.

"You failed everyone. Especially her. Especially Allison."

"Open your eyes. Open your eyes." Derek's voice sounds.

"Your fear is different, Scott. There's power underneath. Your power. Your fear brings me freedom! I won't be trapped again. I won't be caught and caged ever again. Not ever! Open your eyes. Open them!"

"I know how to fight you. And I know how to catch you." Scott shouts I open my eye to see Scott is going to rip his eyes out.

"Stop" I shout from behind the Anuk-ite. I see Scott's hands relax, but the Anuk-ite doesn't move.

"Aaron" I called softly, seeing the Anuk-ite tensemI called him again.

"Aaron. Aaron, look at me" Slowly the Anuk-ite turns, looking straight into my eyes.

"This isn't you. You need to stop, you need to control the Anuk-ite" The Anuk-ite slowly turns back to Aaron.

"I can't hold it off Maisy, it's too strong. It's taking everything, everything in me to protect you, to talk to you"

"I'm sorry I left" I whispered.

"I wanted you to follow your dreams." Aaron spoke.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you" I cried

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you, I love you" Aaron sniffled looking in my eyes and turning back into the Anuk-ite. Purple glowing eyes was the last thing I saw as I felt myself turn to stone.

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