Chapter 3

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(FEAR NOT MY PEOPLE I HAVE ARRIVED BRINGING A NEW CHAPTER!!!! in all honesty sorry for being away for so long its just I lost my story for a while and my creativity decided to fuck off for a good full year but now I have brought you all this new chapter that will hopefully keep you all at bay for at least a few months and now without further adue I present to you all chapter 3. enjoy~)

2 weeks later


"Watch your tongue!"

"I know you're a ninja and all but this is bull-ow!"

"You will learn to control yourself or die trying"

"In that case I am gonna die!"

Right now master Hasashi, as I am not to call him, has me balancing on one foot at the top of a 5 meter pole while his students at to hit me with pebbles, fuckers are accurate. He said this is to be an anger level test I call it 'hit Viper' so far this has gone on for 10 minutes "I swear to god I will-ow! Ok that's-" "Viper! Keep calm! If I even see one ember you will go without dinner!" I grumble to myself as I try not to flame up 'this sucks. I can take hits, it's when my friends are in danger or have been hurt I lose it' everything was fine, everything was alright I would not break for anything.

Until one of them managed to peg me in the head.

I flame up "that's it!" I yell jumping down from it and watch the students run off "Viper!" I flinch while I de-flame at the sound of my alias name and look to master Hasashi "yes?" "no dinner tonight" I wanted to argue but he warned me. I nod "yes grandmaster" I said bowing then walk away. I walk around the corner and bump into someone "sorry" I said not looking "it's fine, I should have been looking as well" I look to the owner of the voice and see "you are Takahashi Takeda right?" I asked "yeah how did you-" "master Hasashi talks of your progress in becoming chujin often" he smiles then looks at me for a while "what are you looking at?" he snaps out of his trance and blushes "s-sorry it's just you have such beautiful eyes. I've never seen anything like them" I blush a strawberry red that's visible even with my mask "h-how they're just a plain (eye colour)" "actually they're (non eye colour e.g Amber), have you never seen yourself in a mirror" I giggle a little "no not really, you also have lovely eyes" "thanks but I don't know you" "I'm Viper" he chuckled "ok now how about your real name" I frown "I'm sorry but I can't tell you" he looked confused "why not?" "Because I can't, not yet" I try to walk past him but he catches my arm "humour me or at least give me a clue" I sigh and look back to him "I'm not who I appear to be yet I am, I'm younger than the people I once knew even though I should be older, I am the question and answer to Earthrealm" I left as soon as I said those words.

I walked to my quarters which are next to master Hasashis' and collapse on my futon "this sucks" I muttered into my futon. My body ached from the pebbles and bruises already began to form as I was about to rest I heard a knock at the door "unless the temple is under attack go away" I said lifting my head momentarily. I hear the door slide open and closed and felt someone sit on the futon next to me "lady (Name)-" "that's Viper to you, Master Hasashi" I said interrupting him he sighs "I know training with us is painful but how else do you expect to become stronger" "hate to burst your Zen bubble, master, but I trained with Mileena in outworld for a year. I think I know pain" he chuckles "be that as it may you still lack-" "I swear to god you say 'discipline' I will burn you" "no you lack self-control with your fire. You need to control your temper or you will burn those you care about" I had a quick flashback of when I burnt Mileena "I know, I have already" I sit up on my knees and face Master Hasashi "master-" "in private you may call me Hanzo" "Hanzo, I'm worried" he gives me a confused look "about what?" "Last time I was here I done my best to prevent my friends deaths and now that I'm back nothing's changed. What if this time I make things worse?" I said looking down. Hanzo lifts my chin up with his hand "you are (Name) (last name), a pyromancer and a member of the Shirai Ryu, you will not fail you will succeed" he said smiling I nod when he let go of my chin "Hanzo I would like to make a request..." I said looking him in the eye "in 5 years' time I would request that you send me to work for the special forces and not tell them of my true identity, there are things I must prevent from happening" he looked at me for a while "I shall consider your request" I smiled under my mask "thank you" he reached out his hand and placed it on my mask "(Name)" I was surprised this is the first time he ever called me by my name without putting 'lady' before it "if I grant you your request will you return to us, to me?" I blush at his words and as he pulls my mask down "I-" he pulls me in for a hug and holds me "I do not think my heart could bare you staying away. So please return to us" I held him tightly I couldn't just tell him about being Mileena's queen, it would probably break his heart "I will Hanzo I promise" I said as he let me go I see his smiling face which made me smile "thank you *pulls my mask back up* Viper" he stands and then leaves.

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