Chapter 2

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6 years ago

(name) was walking to her new home since she moved out after the mortal kombat experience. For her 2 years have passed since then she was now an adult, her time in the mortal kombat tournament was she could never forget and she still regrets leaving her friends and wished she could return to them. Little did she know that her wish was to come true. After entering her home she carried the box of new games the company had provided her to test, once in her room she opened the box the first game that she saw made her freeze.

Mortal Kombat X

Memories of her friends flooded into her head making her smile. She picked it up and chuckled, a while back the game had been recalled due to glitches and viruses "finally they decided to bring you back" she said to herself. She looked over to her wall where Bi-Hans' clothes hung and underneath them were his wrist guards, she put the game on and as it was loading walked over to the wall. She placed her small, yet slim, hand on the clothes thinking back to when she was 18 and how much she had accomplished "thanks guys, I owe you big time" she said to herself again, because of the experience she had with them she found confidence in herself to do things she couldn't do before she picked up her grades, moved out of home, went out of the house more often and even got a part time job as a singer for cover songs. She walked back to the gaming system and picked up the wireless controller and selected story mode for one person suddenly she felt dizzy. She placed a hand upon her head as it pounded, the room spun around her as she fell to the floor passed out. Her left hand was on the controller of the PlayStation as the TV showed her character on screen wearing a dark grey ninja suit that had no sleeves and cut off at her mid thighs, she wore black handless gloves that started 2 inches below her shoulder, dark red/brown 2 inched knee high heeled boots, a red sash around her mid-section and a mask like Mileenas' except in red and black in a pattern where the red forms into triangles at the top and black ones at the bottom making them look like fangs, her hair was tied into a tight low braid.

Now in outworld a year before Mileena was overthrown, Ermac was ordered to patrol the city by Mileena, there was a commotion in a certain area and Mileena wanted to know what it was so she sent Ermac to investigate. Twenty years prier in outworld word had spread that Shao Khan had fallen, giving Mileena the right to be its' new ruler but also word had spread that Mileenas' pretty bird a.k.a (name) had fallen also, Mileena mourned over the death of her pretty bird more than her fathers, once Ermac heard the news he felt a strange feeling of sadness, something that he thought impossible. As Ermac was patrolling he noticed that many of the outwrolders had crowded around something he floated towards them "we demand to know what is going on" he said as they all parted "someone is down there" one of the men said pointing to the now large water hole. Ermac floated over to it and peered down into it his eyes widened in shock. In the deep hole under the water was a girl with her torso wrapped in bandages as well as her lower half from her waist to her mid-thigh forming a skirt, the girls' (h/c) below the knee length hair fanned around, her (s/c) skin shimmered slightly in the sun, her face looked so peaceful as if she were sleeping. Once Ermac looked harder he was stunned.

The girl in the water was (name) (last name). The girl who had died over 16 years ago yet her she was looking no older that when he last saw her "stand back all of you" he commanded as his souls wandered down into the hole, they wrapped around the girls' body and carefully lifted her out. Her long hair, as well as her skin, dripped with water, her bandages were soaked and her arms dangled as she was lifted upwards. Once he was out of the hole she was carefully placed in Ermacs' awaiting arms, he placed two fingers on her neck and found a strong pulse she was alive. But Ermac was superstitious surely lady (name) had died long ago and even if she hadn't she would look older than this, Ermac concentrated and looked into her soul to find it was indeed the girl he had fought before and had aged only 2 years. Ermac turned to the crowd "we shall take her to the empress the rest of you leave" he said then floated away.

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