Chapter 3: His Majesties Royal Navy.

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          "A li'el demanding, aren't cha? he responds.     (* Li'el=Little*)

          "Tell me who my father was!"

          "Well mate, I'll be doin' no such thing. I told yer uncle there I wouldn't be." He gestures over to where my uncle has just burst from the door. He is held back by other pirates.

          "Tell me now!" I reach around and yank a sword free from the crate that's holding them ready for battle, in case of attack.

          "Boy, you don't want to be crossing blades with me." He slowly pulls a sword from his hilt. The metallic sound rings across the hole ship, which has gone silent by now. Large foot steps aproach me from behind, I hear a sword being picked up and I'm suddenly shoved down, by the first mate. 

          "Don't ya dare threaten the captain!"

          "Quit pushing me around you piece of filth!"

          "Boy, you don't want to do this," Johnson says. The first mate, of whom I've still no learned a name, just glares at me. I stare back, with the sword raised. I know how to fight, and I can take him on. I'm a man, and I'll show these bilge rats I am.

          "So are you making a challenge boy?" The captain says.

          "Edward don't do this!" Nathan yells. For the first time, I'm angry enough to lower myself to their level.

          "Aye." The first mate yells and slams his cutlass down at me. I dodge, and hold my steady towards him. He brings up this time, and I just make it out of the way. He swings right and left, and when kicks my legs. Anger grows in me. I dont want to kill him, but if I could land one solid blow, it would nice. I feel in my heart that that's not something God would want me to do, but I ignore it. I jump back up, and swing my sword wildly. Right and left I thrash. "AAAAH" I slam it at his shoulder, but he side steps and my weapon lodges in the mast.

          "Edward! Let go of your anger and just parry!" my uncle screams. I remember back when I was younger, to my training. I try to dislodge my sword. But he swings at me again. I jump out of the way. Oh great, he's between me and my sword. He starts towards me, and I back up towards the rear of the ship.

          "Fight boy, or you'll be marooned!" the captain says. A crew mate from behind me pushes me forwards. The first mate gets closer, and then swings. I duck under his blow, and run towards the captain. Before he knows whats going on, I have stolen his pistol, and level it at the first mate.

          "Don't ya be aimin' a pistol at a man less ya be aimin' to kill em." the first mate says. 

          "Aye," the captain agrees. I walk backwards, as the first mate aproaches, and dislodge my sword quickly from the mast. The first mate is within swinging distance now, and takes a mighty swing at my head. I throw the gun in the air, and while he tries to catch it and swing at the same time, I parry his sword, forcing the end of the blade to deck, and slam the hilt of my cutlass down on his wrist as hard as I can. The first mate screams, and drops his sword. I level my cutlass at his throat.

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