Chapter 1

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   You were the adopted daughter of the Director and Allison. Before she "died". Something you knew wasn't true...
   But before that! You were 13 years old trying to sneak around the enormous ship. Exploring and looking for things to do.
  You came across a room with gray letters that spelled a state name.
You knock on the door quietly. Hoping this person heard it. You knew about Project Freelancer. They were to be trained to be the best agents. And they were named after the states.
   You were very smart and very sneaky. You had hacked into their files and found their test scores and information about their personal lives. This boy Washington, you knew, was named David. He was also your age. So you hoped he could entertain you for a while.
   You knew that he was only just passing at being with the best Freelancers. You wanted to meet him, although you weren't permitted to meet anyone but agent Carolina. Since, she was you sister.
  The door made the familiar sound of opening. And Washington popped out, eyes wide.
   Though you have seen pictures and videos, you've never seen him up close before. He was blond and had spiked hair. He had a few freckles running under his eyes and on his nose. And bright green eyes. He wore a dark grey shirt and matching sweat pants. It was late so they were his pajamas.
  He opened his mouth to speak, but you shushed him with your finger to your mouth. You slid the door open more with your free hand and tiptoed in.
  He moved aside and you shut the door. You turned around and checked the camera to make sure it was disabled. You had replaced the footage with Washington sleeping. You were always 10 steps ahead when you conducted your own secret missions.
  He seemed to notice the camera was down.
  "You turned off the camera?"
  "Yep! Hi! I'm  (y/n). I know you and I'm always really bored. So I thought I'd make some friends! Nice to meet you," you excitedly whispered.
   "H-hi. Nice to meet you too. Your the Directors daughter right? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" He questioned.
"Well yeah but," you walk to the window, "the prettiest stars shin at night. I wouldn't wanna miss that," you turned to face him. His eyes shining in the dim moonlight. He was cute and you thought he had potential for many great things. This could be the start of something new...

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