Chapter 1 // Return

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Lili's PoV

A glance out my window reveals the school I once was so excited to go to, but now resent, appear behind the trees. Those trees house memories, ones I don't want to remember. But when I think about it, this was the place where I met my new best friends and current boyfriend. As excited as I am to see those few people again, I also can't help but think about what could happen this year. Will it be worse or better than last year? I wouldn't have stepped another foot onto this campus if it wasn't for my friends also being forced to come back. Who's parents would believe such stories of ghosts and murderers and a magical forest anyway? Not mine. Definitely not mine.

As my dad rolled the car onto campus, I sighed silently and grabbed my carry-on bag from the floor of the car. The door slides open via my father opening it for me. "Thanks," I say to him quickly while walking out and stretching out my limbs. Before I knew it, my luggage was propped up next to me.

"I would offer to bring your luggage to your dorm for you, but if I'm correct, they'll handle that," my dad muses and points behind me. I give him a questioning look and begin to turn around, but before I'm able to, I hear the telltale scream of Mitch and friends.

"LILI," they scream together as they run over. I give a fake groan, but my obvious smile cancels it out. I turn back to my dad, and he shrugs though also sports a smile. He pulls me in for a hug and breathes out loudly.

"We'll talk as much as we can, alright?" He mumbles into my hair.

"Yea, yea. I know the drill," I reply in an annoyed tone but return the hug nonetheless. "Bye, dad. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Lil." He lies a kiss on top of my head and let's me go to start his drive back home. Once he's in the car, I begin waving. My dad's quick to return it as he pulls out.

"Aw, what a tear-jerking goodbye," Ty suddenly says from beside me. I jump, not realizing he was here yet, or that any if the guys were. They're not the fastest, you see. Though once I look around, I see all three guys waving at my father as he pulls away. "So... Where's Lola and the others?"

"I dunno. I thought they'd be with you actually." My reply is muffled by arms snaking around my neck from behind, pulling me into a chest that I presume belongs to a certain Canadian. "Hey there." I feel a nose nuzzle my hair, and I smile warmly. I missed this.

"Hello, baby girl," Mitch hummed happily from above me.

"Aw, so cute," Jason says with an eye roll. "Can we just go find Laur-- the others?" The brunet was able to stop himself, but it was far too obvious what he was going to say. Just by the blush on his cheeks, anybody could tell what he wanted to say.

"Aw, how adorable! You miss Lauren~!" I suddenly rip out of Mitch's grasp and go over to hug Jason tightly. Jason's blush grew brighter, and he tried to push me off. God, I missed teasing this dork. Though as I looked up, I noticed a hurt looking Mitch with his arms crossed. Whoops, I kinda left him. "Oh, don't look like that, Mitch." Just as quickly as I left for Jason, I went back to Mitch. The blushing mess looked relieved to be free of me. For now.

The Canadian ordered the other two to grab my bags, and they obeyed without a second thought. They probably assumed the faster they listened, the fastened they would get to see their girlfriends too. Which they would, because as soon as they grabbed my luggage, Mitch pulled me onto his back for a piggy back ride and started sprinting towards the girls' dorm. Shouts of protest to slow down came from Jason and Ty, who couldn't keep up. Huh, I guess Mitch was faster than I thought; I had to hold onto his shoulders so I wouldn't not fall off of his back.

"Where to, baby girl?" Mitch called as he weaved through the students and parents on campus. He nearly hit a short-haired boy with braces who was hugging his..presumed red-haired mom and really tall dad. All three sporting glasses.

"You can't hit a person with glasses!" I laugh and hold on tighter around his neck, though careful to not choke him. "Uhh... Room 420!"

"Blaze it!" Another guy with short brown hair, though this one had an abnormally large nose, shouted as we past him. I couldn't help but notice Mitch look at him curiously for a few moments. Though with a short nod and an amused laugh, the brunet ran into the building that the girls on campus would live in for months to come, and, while being yelled at by a few adults to slow down, he made his way to the wing containing the 400 numbered dorms. It didn't take long for him to get to my designated room. The door was locked and a smile broke out onto my face. Someone was already here! After handing Mitch the key I was given for the room, he let us in.

"Leels!" A voice almost instantly called. I knew that voice, and I knew it well. I hopped off of Mitch and ran to hug Sarah. She pressed a kiss to my cheek, and I could practically feel the jealousy ooze off of my boyfriend behind us.

"Snailpai~!" My voice returned her cheerfulness. I felt another presence wrap around us and was about to flick Mitch, but it wasn't him. Startled, I pushed back and spun around to face the person. "Wait, wait, wait. Who the hell is this?"

Sarah looked up and slung an arm around a brunette in a ponytail. "This here is Lozzy."

"Lozzy?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the obscure name. Not to be rude, but y'know, it's not a name you hear too often.

"It's actually Lizzy," the brunette confirmed with a light laugh. "I'm new this year. So, uh, hey."

If only she knew what she got herself into. All I said was, "I'm sorry." Screw traditional hellos, I don't do that. Instead, I walk over to the door just as Jason and Ty walk up, out of breath. Though, once inside the room, they looked around eagerly, but the life seemed to be sucked out of them when they saw a lack of Lola and Lauren.

"Oh, come on," Sarah called and walked up to hug the two tightly. "We're just as good as the others. And you," she turned to me, "don't be rude to the plata, Leels." I shrugged. If anything, what I said was nicer than what was most likely going to be down the road for this new girl.

"Yea, yea.. Lili's rude, we know. Just.. Where are they?" Ty asked anyway. "Aren't they here yet?"

"Hey!" I slapped his arm with a pout and turned away from them all. Nah, I wasn't actually mad. It was true.

Sarah shook her head and propped her hands onto her hips. "Nope. The others got a different dorm and we got stuck with this nerd." Lizzy protested to the nickname, but the shorter continued, "They're in number 659." As soon as the snail replied, Ty and Jason groaned. "Don't act like that, guys. We can go visit them after we unpack."

I was already on it. As they spoke, I started putting my clothes and such in the drawers. "If I don't get the top bunk, someone will get killed," I mused in an all-too-innocent voice without looking up. Though I smirked when I noticed, out of the corner of my eye, that Lizzy's eyes widened, and she instantly pushed her stuff off of the top bunk and onto the bottom.

She'll learn the rules soon enough.

Holy shit, I wrote a chapter.
Happy New Years, bitches. 2016. Man, we made it.
Oh and--
This was supposed to come out on Christmas, but nah. I'm too lazy for that. Though I did upload it as close as I could to the New Year where I am.
But here's this.
Take it and love it, my readers.

Damn. I really thought this was longer. Lolzor.

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