Chapter 2 // Double Dorm

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Lola's PoV

I've been staring at this dorm number for too long. It's all-too familiar, but I don't know why 659 is so significant. It could have something to do with the fact how close room 666 is, but I the dean wouldn't let me switch rooms. I most likely am over-thinking this, so, to not look weird or sketchy anymore, I quickly enter the dorm. Almost instantly, I'm met with another familiar thing. These sheets are-

"Lola!" a soft voice sounded throughout the room. Once I turned around to meet who shouted my name, I was pulled into a gentle hug. Ah, I was right. It was Lauren. "Have you seen the others yet? I tried to meet up with them, but couldn't find them."

"Ah... No. I haven't." The girl let her arms fall from around me and soon, I was walking over to the other bed to set it up. It was then that I noticed that Lauren and I got a double dorm. Oo, no having to risk having to deal with bratty kids our age. I despise teenagers. 

Lauren's bed was made within minutes. She had already gotten a head start, so I take a few more minutes, but I'm not too far behind. I've got to admit that not hitting my head on the underside of a bed every time I straighten my back is quite nice. I won't miss that. But also waking up without the others might be a bit sucky. Out of everyone, I'm probably the least close to Lauren. I swear, this might be the most awkward school yea-

Speak of the devil. Lauren's voice pulls me out of my rambling thoughts, "Should we go look for them? Or aren't you done?" When she talks, she doesn't look at me. Instead, her attention is on the mirror across the room in an attempt to put her hair up in a messy bun. And of course she's one of those girls who can effortlessly perfect that...

"Uh.. Sure. We could try calling them," I suggest as we both head out the dorm room door. 

"I already tried Lili's phone. She didn't answer, but then again, when does she ever-" I have to nod in agreement to that, "-and Sophia's keeps going straight to voice mail like it's completely off. Her words make my footsteps falter a bit; I risk falling flat on my face.

"Wait, what? How do you not know? Di-" for like the third time today, I've been interrupted. This time I'll allow it without any complaint though; I recognize the voice that comes a few moments after arms are slung around my neck tightly from behind. "It's Sarah!" Turning around, I return the hug eagerly. Not surprisingly, there's more footsteps and voices close behind the snail's. I recognize most of them. But one puts me for a loop. I get a look at the new voice once Sarah let's goof me and moves onto Lauren for her hug. Though the look isn't long because before I know it, I'm in the arms of a man. Mitchell Hughes to be exact. "Ew, get off of me," I hiss. 

"Nice to see you, too," Mitch scoffs teasingly but does as he's told. Yet another set of arms replace the ones around me. Instantly, I recognize it to be Simba. "Aw, reunited finally," Mitch the Bitch muses. Annoyingly muses, if I do say myself.

"Shut up, Mitchell Bitchell." Once again, I say in a *fake* annoyed voice. Though halfway through the nickname, I can't help but laugh. I'm so funny. Lili thinks so too; she's laughing. I can definitely tell Mitch is sour from that. "Ah, calm down." Oh, I forgot about Ty. He seems upset from that. Damn, these people are sensitive. Quickly giving him a kiss, I get on with greeting people as to not attract attention to us.

My eyes snap to the new girl again. Yea... Who's this? "Who's this?"

"Hm?" Sarah looks over at me and exchanges eye contact between me and the brunette. "Oh! That's Lozzy. She's our roommate. That's Lola, Lozzy." The brunette offered a wave and all I did in response was nod. 

"Hah, you guys have to room with a lot of people. I only have to share with Lauren." As I talk, I make my way to the new girl. "Have fun dealing with these idiots for the next few months. You'll wish you'd never have applied for this academy." A chorus of "hey!"s erupted from her roommates. "Kidding," I quickly interject. "Not really though."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Lili and Jason staring at the room number like I had been doing mere minutes prior. "Hey... You all good?" I call out to them. Only Lili nods, but almost automatically, and she doesn't move her attention from the numbers on the small sign. "Since you noticed it too... Is there something up with out room number?" Jason nods and turns back to the rest of us.

"That was your guys' room number last year, wasn't it?" He points out while actually pointing back to the number. Lili still hasn't looked our way, but she didn't glance down the hallway.

"Room 666 is right there," the blonde mumbles. Lizzy starts giggling behind us, and we all turn to her. Yea, I feel bad for her because she doesn't understand why were all looking at her like she just killed someone. Or at least we looked at her in confusion. Her laughing subsides when she realizes Lili wasn't trying to be funny. Again, poor girl. This won't be a good year for her, will it?

I groan. "Fuck our luck."


Short chapter for Lola (939 words). She said that if I didn't update, everyone thing/one I love would be killed. So yea. I'm tired and don't know how to keep this chapter going. It's just sort of an add-on to the first chapter, but from Lola's PoV.

Oh, and I was looking at my old Wattpad books. Sword to Secrecy's last chapter was last updated on October 16th, 2014.


I hate how fast time goes. I need to update this book more to make up for the over-a-full-year of time wasted with me being off of Wattpad.


Updates are not promised because I often forgot or are too lazy. But I'll try to update. Knowing Lola, she won't let me forget.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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