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"You know, I'm not really feeling the pink on the walls? Ryan what do you think? You think it'll be good for the baby? I was thinking we should have it yellow and not define her to be a girl that likes pink. You know?" My older sister mindlessly says. Is my sister serious? Is she really serious right now? She thinks the colour of the walls is going to define her to be a girl that will like colour pink.

By the colour of the walls?

"It's a wall Nina. Pink, yellow, green, blue, I don't think your baby is going to really get annoyed at you for ruining her childhood based on what colour you painted the wall?" I deadpan back to her as i stare at the same wall she is looking at.

She's actually serious about this.

I'm finding it so hard not to laugh right now, but I know if I do I'll have a painting roller thrown at me. "I'll leave that to your parenting skills" I tease her and then I felt the metal crack against my skull. Okay, maybe I deserved it, but it was a joke. She's so highly sensitive right about now. Being pregnant with her first child has her running around like a headless chicken. Poor John is even stressed and he's the most laid back guy I've known. Well, accept for Ryder. If that boy was anymore laid back he'd be horizontal.

Well, then again, he is most nights thanks to his line of work. Usually with someone on top of him.

"Haw haw, you're hilarious Ryan" She emphasises sarcastically. Waving the paint brush around in a circle like I'll disappear by waving her make shift wand. Not going to happen sister dearest. You are stuck with my for life.

"Where's Macy? She said she'd be here to help out? She's always late" Nina checks her watch for the time. I have two sisters, Nina is the oldest and Macy is the youngest. I'm the middle reject. "That girl can't get punctuality into her brain. It goes a long way, especially when you're working! Its consider rude if you're late without an valid explanation. She better have a good explanation" my sister shakes her head bending down with her pregnant belly that is growing day by day.

Nina has new mom syndrome. Everything must be perfect for the first born. If everything is perfect for the first born then the first born will be perfect. That's her logic. Not mine.

I can tell she's super excited about this entire pregnancy, I have to say, being pregnant looks good on her too. She's excited for her little girl to pop out so she can spoil her to no end. We all knew it would be a little girl, those Parker jeans are strong as fuck.

"I bet she's off sleeping with her newest boyfriend" Nina rolls her eyes and passes judgement. Judgement she should not pass because at Macy's age she was the exact same way. Although, Macy goes through guys like no tomorrow. Every three weeks or so she gets bored of the current one and dumps him to find her next lover. My sister, is a major player. She's young but my parents think shes an angel.

"Standard Macy" Nina rolls her eyes and continues to dab the light shade of yellow onto the walls of the new baby room. "What about this? I think it's too pale? I need more yellow in there, you know?" She tilts her head like it'll help her visualisation. And I surprisingly understand what she just said.

"Yeah... sure" I agree with whatever she says. I don't really have a say in it anyway unless I agree with her and it's better to just agree with her than to cause a whole conversation on the colour of yellow. She's picky about everything. She won't take on any opinions unless she was thinking the same. It's a major flaw of hers but I'm told she's working on it.

"Alright! Beer for Ryan, green boost smoothie for my lovely wife and a beer for me too!" John enters back into his future daughters room with three beverages in his hands. Handing me an ice cold beer, I gladly take it from him throwing down the paint brush that I wasn't even using on the pallet that's sitting on the top step of the ladder.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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