Chapter 1

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Kesha and Thomas ran towards the barn despite Thomas's fathers warning.
The children were completely unaware of how different they were because of their colour because between them nothing else really matter.

Not understanding how the world worked, they never understood why the grown ups around them had always attepted to separate them. In the old barn no one could disturb them from the games they played. It just so happens that this day was not like any other and it happen to change their lives.

"Thomas you're gonna alert the whole house if ye ain't gonna lower you're voice".

"Okay. Sorry Kesha." Thomas never meant to allow Kesha to always be in charge but that couldn't be help.

Kesha always had a look and attitude that told all the children not to fool around with her.

Thomas caused his father many worry because he never wanted to play with other boys. He was either alone or with Kesha who was an 9 year old black slave.

Mr. Thornton thought it was time for Kesha to start doing some work around the house, causing the two to have less play time so every little moment in the old barn was treasured.

"I got a new game to play. I'll be a princess and you can be the knight that looks for what do ye call 'em dansel in distress to save." said Kesha. " Sounds like fun but what is there to save you from." asked Thomas.
"Ye decide, but make it good this is one of my best stories."

Kesha sat on an old wooden chair up in the loft and faned herself  with an imaginery fan, while Thomas got his wooden sword and began to think of a situation from which he could rescue Kesha.

He failed to notice a rattle snake slittering across the dry hay towards where Thomas was standing at the end of the room. Upon hearing the rattling noise behind him Thomas turned slowly, seeing the snake he screamed.

At first Kesha, after hearing him scream, rolled her eyes. The smallest things usally frightened Thomas which was usually the mice that crept arouind the barn.
Thinking she would find a mouse near Thomas she climbed down the ladder and ran to where she heard Thomas.

Kesha panicked and stood still as she saw what had frightened Thomas. She had often seen a rattlesnake in that area but never this close and never endangering anyone yet Levi ,her guardian and his wife Tara had often warned her how dangerous these snakes were and now one of them was after Thomas, her best and only friend.

Kesha thought fast, if she could just get Thomas away from it, yes she would do it.
Kesha picked up pebbles and little rocks and began to throw it at the snake."Over here you dumb ol'  snake. Ain't you gonna come after me, you big bully." hearing Kesha and getting irritated it turned towards her.

Kesha for the first time fearing for herself ran as fast as she could only to trip and fall over a pile of hay. Being frozen with fear throughout this event, Thomas now tried to help.

Looking above where Kesha laid ,Thomas saw a crate tied to a rope the rope was tied to a pole near to where Kesha was laying.

"Kesha, loosen the rope near you!" shouted Thomas. Reacting quickly Kesha untied the rope and the crate come falling down.

Unfortunatly it only managed to hit the tail of the snake, but getting all her courage together, she picked up a piece of broken wood, stood up and began beating the snake. Deciding it had, had enough the snake slitted towards a hole on the side of the barn and crept away.

Thomas looked at Kesha, smiled and said " And I was supposed to rescue you."

This is my story that was under the edenwilliams profile...which was my previous profile. Due to some problems I am not able to finish writing the story on the other I'm stating over and writing the rest here.

I hope you enjoy.

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