Q and A

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Journal #23 (day 63)

I told the girls that I was in foster care fro two years of my life. and then that turned into a Q and A.

Q: How many homes?

A: twelve. Q: Why?

A: My real dad murdered my mom. so we, my twin and I were placed in foster care. Q: so you got adopted?

A: Yeah, when my sister and I were seven. Q: Okay with has nothing to do with your family, or life, or whatever, but why is your hair purple?

A: (I laughed) you know I'm misunderstood, therefore when my hair was blonde and people would stare at me I would get upset, so I died it purple so now people have a reason to stare and therefor I know its my hair that they are looking at. Q: Why are you in here?

A: The doctor's reasons are becsause of self harm, anorexia, depressoin, and post-tramatic stress disorder.

My reason is that my fuckin' sis-- Kayla jumped in, "two minutes, book on your head."

"I only said one cuss word, should be one minute," I snapped.

"Well one minute was getting too easy, its two minutes per word from now on. now continure. "

A: Anyways. my sister walked into the bathroom, because she doesn't know what a closed bathroom door mean or you to fuckin' know.

" two more minutes."

The whole room started to giggle.

"I'm glad y'all think this is fuckin' funny."

"Two more minutes, you still have four and a half minutes left."

"Kayla I think that this is illegal. I think I'm crushing the few good brain cells I have left.


A: Okay okay, so my sister audrey she barged into the bathroom, and i was cleaning up my cuts and she freaked out. I tryed to get her to shut up. But she just kept screaming and Calling me names. Freak moment, I slapped her making her scream for my parents. and they came running. they saw all my scars and cuts and then they put me here.

"Okay thats enough for today, Avery thanks for talking today. You all have a good day.

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