"..that you promise you'll always stay.."



The sound of his door bell being rung repeatedly startled him awake, making him groan as he slowly came to conciousness.

He moved his head and felt dampness on his pillow and wetness on his cheeks.

Again.. he noted sadly. Pushing the dream to the furthest back of his mind.

Quickly wiping his eyes with the sleeves of his nightgown, he willed his body up, rubbing his eyes. The door bell didn't cease to stop and was starting to annoy him.

Who in the world.. he questioned.

Pulling his comforter off of himself, he cursed the person who interrupted his precious sleep while he got up and began to half-sleep walk.

"Yaah I was sleeping.." he said aloud while he passed his livingroom.

He didn't care if he looked like shit. Whoever it was had the nerve to wake him up at 7am and he was going to see who it was.

Walking down the hallway that led to his front apartment door, he felt his eyebrow twitch as the door bell continued to ring. Annoying him now.

He pressed the monitor to the camera of his door bell and was surprised to be greeted by the unexpected person on the screen.

"Yoongi hyung?" he speaks out squinting from the light of the screen.

Yoongi, his older yet closest best friend. In all his camouflage and orange hair glory.

"Let me in Hoseok," Yoongi said gazing at him through the screen. He heard some rustling but he didn't think of it.

"Alright" he complied while chuckling. Only because he knew if he didn't, Yoongi wouldn't leave him alone until he let him in.

He yawned while unlocking the door.
Turning away from the door. It's Open! he yelled before proceeding destination to his kitchen.

The door immediately opened but he didn't turn and only walked into his kitchen, putting the coffee up since he wouldn't be going back to sleep anymore.

"Where did you go?!" he heard Yoongi yell from somewhere in his apartment. Knowing the distance was somewhere in the direction of his bedroom.

"In the kitchen!" he yelled out while scooping the coffee into the coffee maker.

He caught a glimpse of a memory, but he quickly blinked in reflex to push it to the back of his mind.

Pouring the water in the back of the machine he heard Yoongi's footsteps enter.

"Good Mor.." he began happily turning around, but trailed off as he saw the numerous bags atop his island. "..ning.."

"Hyung.." he said eyeing the bags in disbelief. "Did you buy all of this??"

"Sit.." was all Yoongi said in reply back to him as he took different platters and containers onto the table. "I got some things, but just wait while I get them together."

"But-" he began in protest but Yoongi stopped and cut him off.

"As your hyung, I am ordering you to sit and not do a thing until I have your breakfast done.." Yoongi declared while gazing at him hard.

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