Chapter 3- On My Own

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I didn't know how long i had been blacked out. But i knew that i was regaining consciousness when i heard screams of people, felt pain slice through my body. At that point i rememered why i had crashed and my head jerked up in fear, only to be met by a piece of metal that slammed it back down. My eyes caught glimpses of people trying to reach me but failed at their attemps. Blinding lights were flashing around me, that's when i knew it was gone. For now.

"Ma'am! Can you hear me? Are you injured! Don't move and stay calm!" I think i heard a man shout to me. I allowed a glance down to my body and saw that my legs had red burns on them, but that wasn't my concern right now. I only saw my white top drenched in blood and ripped open at the stomach, showing the words so clearly. In a minute i was panicking and thought that if i was taken to hospital they would see, they would see it, they couldn't see it. If i had survived all those years at home, i could deal with these cuts and bruises. Luckily, the car had ended up balancing on the side of the road, half on the grass. So slowly, biting my lip hard enough for it to split, i managed to consume my screams of pain and push myself up onto my arms when nobodys eyes were on me. Eventually, after many grueling minutes of crawling across the concrete floor i slipped out of the car and crawled up the car. I started to hear gasps and screams, people were saying "She's gone!" or "Oh my.. We need to call somebody". However by then i was too far away to stop and turn back. I managed to scramble to my feet and was met by a dizzyness that lasted for a few minutes. My arms wrapped around a tree to steady me as i started the long treck home. Great. Now i had to get a new car.

------ 5 Hours Later ------

After what seemed like days of walking, when in reality it was a few hours, i saw some light ahead and my flat building appraoched me. I stumbled up to my apartment and locked my door. I glanced over at the time on the oven, 10:00pm. Ugh. I needed to sort myself out for tomorrow.

It only took a few hours to stitch up my cuts and change into some new clothes. I took a peek at the scar on my stomach while i changed my top. It was still as fresh as ever. It was never leaving me. Like everything else. Sighing i decided to climb into bed as i was exhausted, although half way i heard a knock on the door and suddenly froze in my tracks.

"Hello? This is the police. Is anyone home? We have come regarding the accident earlier? Hello?" They continued to knock and shout through the door. Suddenly, my instincts took over me and i ran to the door bolting it shut and pushed a chair up against it. I didn't dare move a muscle or even breathe until i heard the knocking stop and footsteps heading away down the corridoor. My eyes closed for a second in relief. Nobody was going to get into here. I couldn't tell anyone. I promised myself. And i keep promises.

Finally i allowed myself to relax in my small bed and close my eyes. Even if sometimes i wished i wouldn't sleep. I had to. If i was going to have any chance at a remarkably normal life.

All through the night the nightmares haunted me. I heard noises around my apartment. Nothing had changed. The nightmares varied most nights but tonight it was centered around something specific, something very real in my life. The blue eyed boy, Peeta Mellark. 


Sorry that the chapters are soo short but i just have these outbursts of ideas and prefer shorter chapters! :)

The Past Is A Stalker | EverlarkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz