"Yeah I'm-" How do you explain that to an assassin who barley knew who he was? I honestly had no idea. "Fine." I continued, sighing and slowly walking towards him. "How are you doing? Your wounds I mean"

He peered at me from beneath his hair, his arms crossed tightly against his chest like a sheild. "Fine" He grunted, his voice void of emotion.

"What about your head?"

At this, I got a reaction. He ground his teeth together and looked away, his breathing deepening. "I'm fine" He gritted, his jaw tensed.

"Okay...." I trailed off, no longer looking at him. "Well, I'm going outside if you need anything"




She retreated, finally leaving him alone. He had tried to act concerned at her little episode with the telephone, but he failed. He couldn't find the emotion within his heart, he couldn't feel anything but pain. Pain and guilt, mostly that was the only thing alive in his cold heart.

Why was she not angered at him for not telling the truth? He had never gotten away with lying at the base, but she seemed to respect his secrecy.

He honestly couldn't comprehend why she was helping at all, if she knew so much about him, then why was she not disgusted? The sins on his shoulders were great, but she treated him like a lost and wounded puppy.

He almost hated her.

Almost. She didn't make him uncomfortable like the Captain did.

The Captain.

Maybe the reason Bucky didn't want to see his old friend was because he had knew the real Bucky.

He knew Bucky before the procedures, the metal arm, the training, the two dozen never once failed assassinations.

That's what scared Bucky. He knew he would never be the man Steve once knew, not even close. His personality was darker, back then he hated pulling a trigger on someone's life, even if it ment saving others at the cost of one.

Now, he didn't care. If he was told to kill, and someone got in his way he killed them too.

He didn't care that he a dark angel that swept though the night, taking lives that weren't ready to leave this world.

He felt nothing.




"He does remember, if he didn't he wouldn't have turned back. He would have really killed you" 

The blond man argued with the man lying in the hospital bed, numerous machines connected to his wrists and chest.

"You don't know that!" Sam shot back.

Steve threw his hands up in frustration. "Don't you get it?" He spoke with authority, challenging the other to question him. "He could have easily killed you, he had a clear shot. He was a marksman back during the war, and that was before they caught him. He missed on purpose!"

Sam sighed in defeat, finally giving into the honorable man before him. "Fine" He spoke with his normal sarcasm. "But I think we should let him cool of a bit before we locate him again"

Steve opened his mouth to argue, but Sam held up a tape wrapped hand. "The man is confused Steve, and on top of that, is a highly dangerous assassin."

"He's not a assassin" Steve growled, his fists clenching at his sides.

"Look Steve, he is no matter what you say, and he is dangerous. He almost killed you twice, and this time it looked like he could have if he wanted to. He's a ticking time bomb, and if we push to hard he'll explode. We need to let him cool off"

Steve opened his mouth, but no words came out. Deep down he knew his friend was right, he just didn't want to believe it.

He wanted to believe Bucky was James Buchanan Barnes, not the Winter Soldier.

But they were the same person, Steve just refused to accept it.

"Fine" Steve muttered, crossing his arms. "But only until you are fully recovered"





hope you enjoyed it:-D

So tell me your favorite thing about Bucky.






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bye, bye!


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