547 16 3

Kitty: Hello everyone it us again!

Rose: Hi!

Snowfall: what up.

Shadow: Hey!

Vera: Hello

Thunder: what's up losers.

Faun: Don't be rude.

Thunder: Anything for you-

Faun: oh just shut up. -////-

Ally: Hello! Come to see my beautiful face again!

Splash: Of course!

Flame: *mumbling* Snowfalls prettier...

Shadow: Um it's clearly me-

Thunder: Y'all are all wrong, it's me.

Everyone: ...

Flame: In what universe as that ever happened, besides we all know I'm the better looking eeveelution-

Kitty: Are all of you done now.

Flame, Thunder, and Shadow: yeah.

Snowfall: Ok so this is from our-I mean one of Kitty's best friends! He wants to be included as a co-host.

Kitty: Presenting...Lumanis

Lumanis: Hey pokemon.

Eeveelutions: ...Hey?

Ally: He's not a pokemon...

Vera: Yeah but if he wants to join he can

Ally: Fine.

Kitty: Hey Lumanis! He is a (fan-made)pokemon and a eeveelution, he just has all your powers.

Rose: That's cool.

Snowfall: That's awesome dude! *continues to stare at Lumanis*

Flame: *heartbroken*

Vera: Ya mean, paw-some!

*ba dum tsh*

Shadow: ....

Snowfall: w h y

*awkward silence befalls on them*

Lumanis: So...anyone up for the flirting challenge?

Vera: Whats that?

Kitty: oh nooooo! nonononononononono! Don't ask!

Lumanis: You'll see... 

*grins like a crazy person*

Ally: Sounds like 'fun'.

*looks at Shadow and winks*

Shadow: *shudders*

Snowfall: Something's about to go down.

Flame: I hope so.

Shadow: I think this is going to be the end of me.

Faun: Is this age appropriate?

Thunder: Nah, it's probably going to be the worst thing we'll ever do.

Splash: This is going to be interesting.

Lumanis: Now that your are all done talking I'll assign the partners;

1. Shadow and Thunder

2. Vera and Flame

3. Snowfall and Ally

4. Faun and kitty

5. Lumanis and Rose 

Splash is forever alone....

Vera: Well that seems to be it so, bye guys!

Kitty: No! Wait, Rose is to young and innocent to be playing the challenge. Especially against Lumanis.

Lumanis: I know...which is exactly why I did it.

Rose:  ⊙//︿//⊙

Splash: (:ㄏ■ Д ■ :)ㄏ

Vera: (°△°|||)

Ally: ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)

Shadow: (꒪Д꒪)ノ

Flame: ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ

Snowfall: ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔ

Thunder: Damn bro.

Kitty: (⌐■_■)--︻╦╤─ If it weren't for the law of this land I would slaughter you.

Faun: Again, is this age appropriate?

Lumanis: Depends on how much I want you.

*winks at Faun, Faun faints.*

Snowfall: Bye!

( the challenge is tomorrow!)

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