Chapter 4

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Silvanna nervously walked towards the Great Hall. She was uncertain of what would happen. Erenuk had said that they would meet their mentors. She was also a little bit shaken about what Erenuk had said about her dragon, but she didn't let those feeling cross to Obsidian's mind, and decided to ignore Erenuk's prophecy.

"Hey, Sil!" Ainell called from behind her. "I'm excited. Just a month and we can fly!"

"Yeah, well, we have a bunch of learning to do first," Silvanna said.

"Aw, come on! We-," Ainell started, but they had reached the door to the Great Hall, an it swung open ominously.

"Welcome, young students." Nine Dragon Riders sat  in front of them. "Are you ready for your training as a Rider?"

"Yes," Silvanna and Ainell said at the same time.

"Good," the Rider who seemed to be the leader spoke. "Ainell, your Ebrithil will be Firacious. He will lead you out of the hall, and you may get acquainted. Silvanna, you will have Elma as your Ebrithil. You two will begin your lessons shortly."

An elderly elf woman rose from her seat, her glistening blue dragon behind her. A young human stood up as well, a red dragon following. 

The elf lead Silvanna to a courtyard. "I am Elma of the elves, and I hope our lessons together will be a good experience for both of us."

"I am Silvanna, and I do as well," Silvanna answered respectfully.

They began a lesson on learning the Ancient Language.

Weeks turned into months, and soon Obsidian was speaking fluently. He also had grown, so he was at flying size.

Silvanna, Obsidian said. Silvanna! Lessons.

"Yeah, I know, Obsidian." Silvanna snuggled deeper into her bed.

Silvanna, Obsidian repeated. Flying!

Silvanna was out of bed in an instant. Obsidian jumped, not expecting her to get out of bed so fast. He used to sleep with her in her bed, but with his growth, he was too big, so he moved to the dragon's bed.

Silvanna met Elma in the courtyard. She had her dragon, Saphire with her. Elma quickly instructed her on flying, and the whole while she was speaking, Silvanna and Obsidian were exchanging thoughts of excitement and were speaking to each other.

Soon, Elma gave Silvanna a saddle, which she strapped onto Obsidian. She climbed onto his back.

"Ready, go!" Elma shouted.

Obsidian took off.

"This is amazing!" Silvanna yelled, already high above the ground.

Obsidian took sharp turns, he did loops and rolls. Silvanna could see everything. There was the city, a forest, and the beautiful sea. In the sky, there were no clouds. Wait, there was one. Then it split into smaller shapes. Wild dragons! Headed straight for the city!

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