Chapter 2:Hell High

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me; I'm here to get my schedule?" I said. She jumped a little and I saw her try to focus her eyes on me. 

"Oh dear, how long have been waiting? I'm so sorry! My eyesight and my hearing are getting away from me but I'm still kicking! 'Get thicker glasses and those stupid hearing gadgets' my husband says but I tell him that since he kicked the bucket and has a body six feet under he can't boss me around! Even in death he still nags me! 'More beer!', 'clean the dishes!', 'can't find my favorite socks since I died!' he says. Well I will tell you, he died with his favorite socks on and I refused to go get them. He won't put on the new one I bought him for the anniversary of his death!" She went on typing on the computer and handing me a folder with my documents. I continued to star at her. Her husband? Death? Socks? What was happening?

"Dear are you alright?" the woman asked snapping me out of my stupor. 

"Yes, of course. Thank you!" I said rushing out of the office before she could say anything else. I walked to the edge of the crowded hallway and stopped to look at my schedule. 


Period 2: AP LATIN V RM 444

Period 3: ELECTIVE RM 223

Period 4: AP CALCULUS AB RM 502



Period 6:  AP GOVERNMENT RM 455


 Looking around, I tried to sneak into the stream of students walking to their classes but was pushed out and I fell on to a group of girls. 

"Watch it, new meat! This is designer!" A high pitched voice screeched. I picked myself up at looked at my victim. She was brushing off her friends who fretted over her too-much-cleavage-showing shirt and fixed her bleach blonde hair while she glared at me. When I looked at her eyes, I froze. They were glowing yellow with a single black spot in the middle. They must be contacts, right? 

"Um, I'm um really sorry?" I said still caught in her eyes. I didn't know it was possible to have such an expression of hers, but she must have really hated me. 

"'Um'?!?! And you're 'sorry'?!?! Don't worry you will be sorry, new meat, just you wait!" She seethed coming into my personal space. She huffed and disappeared into the mass with her friends leaving me confused at what had happened. 

"You might want to avoid her, by the way" a gentle voice said from behind me. I turned to see a pale girl dressed in dark green and brown clothing. Her hair was mostly a grayish white mixed with brown, dark green and a dark shade of pink. I glance back to where the other girl had stormed off and back to the pale girl. 

"Yah, thanks for the tip" I said self conscious now of what I looked like to everyone. I glanced back down to my schedule with a sigh. This day was not going how I planned. 

"Here, I point you to your first class" The girl said pulling the paper from my hands. "I'm Ela! I am a senior like you!" I smiled at her friendliness. Maybe this day wouldn't be that bad. 

"Thanks! I obviously haven't made any good impression yet" I said secretly hoping she would be my first friend. 

"No Problem! Your first class is down the hallway, a left, and it should be the first door on your left. Have a nice day!" She said walking the opposite direction of me. 

"Wait! Can I eat lunch with you later?" I asked excited to have someone to talk to. When she turns back toward me she smiled sympathetically. 

"Sorry, can't maybe a different time!" With that she left me in a now empty hallway. Well, that was stupid, I thought. My only chance of making a friend and I was rejected. I made my way to the classroom depressed that my ultimate plan at getting plans was now at the bottom of a very dark hole. 

As soon as I was about to open the door, I went crashing to the ground with someone on top of me. I groaned as my body slammed into the wall and ground.

"Sorry! My fault! Actually no it's not! Not m fault at all!" Someone said from above me. Whoever it was thankfully got up from on top of me. It was a grinning boy with hair a mixture of dark brown, black and white. What was it with multicolored hair in this place? Now that I was thinking about it, I had noticed kids with pink, purple and all of the other colors of the rainbow in their hair! "Hello? Are you okay? I didn't mean to crash into you, but my board was going way to fast and you were my only option of stopping." I continued to stare at him. He used me to stop?! This was not a normal high school. I lifted myself up from the ground and adjusted my shirt. 

"It's fine" I said. It was not, but I wasn't going to tell him. He seemed completely normal and so far nothing here is normal. This boy was out of place and I was cautious. 

"So, are you new? You must be new. My friend is supposed to show a new kid around today and I think it's you, so you should meet her" He said. I looked at him strangely. 

"Okay. She won't murder me will they?" I joked. Operation Get A Friend was a go. He laughed at my joke.

"She might try, but don't worry I will shield you from her! There she is!" He exclaimed pointed to where he had come from. Two girls walked down the corridor with confidence I wish I had. The one on the right had black hair streaked with neon pink and green, wore a leather jacket, jeans, and biker books while smiling. The other wore a similar leather jacket over a hoodie with the hood pulled over her face so I could not see it. 

"Hi! My name is Isabella and this is Adrianna! Adrianna is your guide around school, but don't worry, all four of us have the same schedule!" The girl with the streaked hair said grinning. I smiled back and look towards Adrianna. I could see her scowling under her hood, but she said nothing. "Marcus probably didn't introduce himself, but this is Marcus!" Isabella said motioning to the boy.

Marcus opened the classroom door that I forgot was there. The classroom was in chaos. If I though the hallways in the morning was bad, this was hell. "Welcome to Hell High" Someone said behind me. I looked at saw Adrianna throw a smirk to me as she entered. This was going to be a very interesting day. 

 AN: Here is the next chapter! Please comment! 

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