Blame it on the Alcohol

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Kurt had spent the whole week complaining about having to share a computer with Finn. His laptop was taking longer than expected to be fixed and Finn had the horrible habit of leaving the last site he visited opened. Kurt had seen some things he would rather have erased from his memory. Today, however, Kurt's curiosity seemed to take the lead when he read an e-mail from Puck:

"I'm going to make sure there's enough booze around Rachel's party Saturday. Can I count on you to help me distract the Little-Miss-Perfect?"

So there was going to be a party at Rachel's and Puck was taking lead to make sure anything could happen? That was the perfect opportunity for Kurt to impress Blaine. He could invite his friend for a place where they could let their hairs down but without sounding like a date. Kurt would be more at ease around his friends and Blaine probably wouldn't be in his Warbler persona. He could barely contain his excitement as he searched for his phone and speed-dialed Blaine.


"Hi Blaine; it's Kurt. Listen, what are you doing this Saturday?"

"I have nothing planned yet; why?"

"Well, you took me to a get-together with your friends and now I'd like to return the favor. There will be a New Directions' party at Rachel's this Saturday. Do you want to come?"

"Great; I really like your friends. But are you sure there will be no problem if I go too?"

"Not if you go as Blaine, not as a Warbler. Just don't wear the jacket..."

"Fine. I'll be just Blaine; Kurt's friend. Say, do I get to your house around 7 and we go together?"

"Perfect! See you then."

Sharing a computer with Finn ended up having its benefits. Kurt was a little mad at Rachel for not inviting him; but as it seemed like it was Puck's idea, he could understand the omission. He now just had to blackmail Finn to take him there. Well, that wouldn't be that hard task to do as a brother who shared a computer with someone as bumbling as Finn.


Blaine didn't care to admit, but he was scared of what could happen at the New Directions' party. He was afraid they would see him as a spy; they had such a great dynamic between them that Blaine often felt like an intruder. On the other hand; they were very friendly and all of them seemed very happy for Kurt being in a safe environment, and they thought Blaine was part of Kurt's happiness.

He surely was part of that; as Kurt was a big part of his own happiness. They had a friendship and an understanding of each other that was quite rare. Since the first moment they met; they knew they could share everything. There were certain things he would only tell Kurt as he knew Kurt had things that only Blaine could understand. "Best friends" was not enough to define what they meant for each other; that was why Blaine couldn't afford to lose Kurt.

They still had the "feelings" thing between them; but things were pretty normal by now and they were back to being the dynamic duo of Kurt and Blaine. However, the New Directions had some relationship and jealousy issues that were practically non-existent at the Warblers. He had even seen Kurt and Finn yelling at each other before leaving the house in different cars. Surely he and Cooper, his big brother, had some epic rows; but something about Kurt and Finn not being real brothers and Kurt having had a crush on Finn just didn't sounded right for Blaine. Siting on the car with Kurt felt natural; but crashing the party with him made Blaine somehow awkward.

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