A Very Glee Christmas

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"Hey, Blaine-boy, what's new?"

"I got the gig! The one at Kings Island Christmas Spectacular."

"Congratulations, dude! What will you be singing?"

"I'll sing "Baby, It's Cold Outside" with some girl named Alicia Monist."

"Is she any good?"

"Not really, I've checked her out on Youtube and I've found a video of her singing "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" that just ruined it. It's like she's trying too much, but not the way Kurt did it, you know? Kurt got the feeling behind the music; she was just trying to show that she's intense."

"Speaking of the devil, have you told Kurt yet?"

"Actually, I forgot to tell him I was auditioning for it. I'll talk to him in person tomorrow."

"Maybe he can help you practice. Anyway, I'd say for us to go out and celebrate, but I have to handle in a paper tomorrow and I haven't finished it yet."

"I'm busy too. And I have lots to practice. See you at school then."

Blaine hung up the phone and threw himself in bed. He was happy; Christmas was one of his favorite times of the year. This gig would be fantastic even if the girl wasn't that much. Kurt could certainly sing the "mouse" part of the song better than her; he would certainly nail it. Maybe he should call and ask for Kurt's help. Perhaps he should just surprise Kurt with a boom box at Dalton and convince him to join in a duet. It wasn't like Kurt could resist an opportunity to sing.


It's starting to get chilly. Its scarves season and Kurt hadn't been able to parade any of his because of so much work. He couldn't believe the amount of homework he had had these last few weeks. Unlikely the McKinley teachers, the ones at Dalton seemed to want to make sure all their students would be home studying during the holidays. And Kurt was still struggling to keep up with the classes.

Not that he particularly cared about the holidays. As they weren't religious, Christmas Eve usually meant him and dad watching some Christmas Special together while eating something Burt had ordered. But this year things would be different: he now had a mother and a brother whose favorite holiday was Christmas.

His dad was excited about it; he and Carole were making plans about Christmas' Eve supper and house decoration. Kurt would love to help them decorate, but there seemed to be no time left for it. He hadn't even got time to go on his Christmas' shopping: the only part he actually liked about the holidays.

He wanted to see the New Directions on the holidays, but apparently Finn and Rachel were on some kind of break. It always became a big elephant in the room if he tried to mention it with his brother. Even trying to keep alive the Christmas Spirit; Finn was funkier than usual. Eventually, Kurt gave up on trying talking to him and concentrated on his work.

He didn't know if luckily or not, but there were fewer Warbler's practices this time of the year. He liked the extra time it gave him but it also meant seeing and speaking less to Blaine. He knew Blaine was also busy with his work, even if the classes at Dalton were easier for him.

Anyway, Christmas didn't look very promising this year.


Blaine thought he knew that guy who went to talk to Kurt. Was that the teacher who coached the New Directions? Was Kurt considering going back? What about the Neanderthal who bullied him?

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