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Kurt Hummel could hardly believe he had confessed his feelings for his best friend. And exactly on the week said best friend had serenated another guy. On the bright side, Blaine and the Warblers had agreed to sing in Kurt's Lonely Hearts Club Dinner; which had been a success, by the way.

After the dinner, he had the second sleep over of the week at Rachel's. She and Mercedes had assured him that everything would turn out fine. Rachel pointed out that Blaine showed up at his dinner, so probably everything was alright between them. Mercedes was pissed at Blaine but agreed with Rachel saying that if Kurt still wanted to be his friend and hang up with him that he surely would be there for Kurt. She added that he could always ask Puck and Finn to scare Blaine if he wanted. He chose to ignore that last commentary.

He was glad to have the whole weekend before having to see Blaine at school. Not that he didn't want to see Blaine; the problem was quite the opposite. He wasn't sure if he needed closure and be happy to have Blaine as his best friend or if he should keep feeding his hopes and trying to impress Blaine.

He decided to take his girls first advice: fly solo for a while and concentrate on his career. This meant he would work hard to keep up with the rhythm at Dalton; which was easier by now but he still struggled. Also meant finding a way to show the Warblers his true value. Maybe if Blaine saw who he could be... STOP! This needs to stop right now, Kurt. Oh My! He was screwed...


The riding to Dalton had never been so terrifying to Blaine. Dalton was the place he felt safe; but was it because of the school or because of his friends? Blaine was wishing with all his forces that he could go back to having the same friendship he had with David and Kurt. He had already talked to Wes; actually, Wes was basically the only person he had spoken to the whole weekend. He needed a heart-to-heart with both David and Kurt; he knew he would never forgive himself if he had screwed things up with those two.

To Blaine's luck, he arrived early and found David alone with a cup of coffee in a room. It was more than he was expecting and he was glad to talk to David first; he had a feeling things with Kurt might be a little more complicated. He cleared his throat to announce his presence and was happy when his friend smiled as he saw it was Blaine:

"Hey Blaine, what's up?"

Blaine awkwardly sat on the same table as David:

"I wanted to talk to you. I kind of wanted to apologize to you..."

David looked confused:

"What for?"

"The last time we spoke we left not in good terms..."

David nodded as he understood:

"Oh, that... Well, I was not having a good day that day. I guess I own you an apology as well. I thought that singing together in the Gap Attack and Kurt's dinner meant that things were fine..."

Blaine smiled:

"I wanted to make sure. But also I wanted to thank you for your support at the Gap thing and apologize for leaving you in a bad place with Thad because of it. Friends?"

Blaine had extended his hand to David who pushed it away and hugged Blaine:

"What is this nonsense, Blaine? Of course we are friends! We had a row, but I guess it's pretty normal, right? Now fill me up; how are things with the Gap guy?"

Another Angle - Season 2Where stories live. Discover now