The Sue Sylvester Shuffle

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Kurt carefully knocked on Finn's door trying not to spill anything on the tray he was carrying:

"Finn? It's me..."

"Come in, it's open."

Kurt managed to open the door and tried a small smile towards his brother playing video game:

"I couldn't sleep and made warm milk; care for some?"

"Yeah! You know I love this stuff."

Kurt was lying: he wasn't insomniac; he was just trying to talk to Finn. It had been some weird weeks during the winter break. Kurt had finally found some ways to keep in touch with his McKinley friends; he even had developed a new friendship with Rachel Berry. At first, it was mostly an attempt from Rachel to get closer to Finn, but they had discovered their similarities and now were really close. Finn wasn't resentful of Kurt or anything, but there was still a gap between them and Rachel only made it worse.

After finding out that Finn hadn't grown up inside as much as he had outside; Kurt started applying for the children in his heart and managed to get wonderful results from Finn. Treats, particularly warm milk, made Finn's inner children happy and he was more loquacious. Finn was now sipping his drink and let a little moan slip. He seemed unaware but Kurt knew he had hit the target:

"So, Finn, how are things at McKinley?"

"I don't know... normal, I guess."

Even in his most loquacious form, Finn wasn't much talkative. However, Kurt wasn't giving up yet:

"No big news?"

"There's a big football game coming up, but we still have a lot to improve. Karofsky has been..."

Finn cut his phrase mid-sentence; almost like a child caught swearing. He turned sympathetically to Kurt:

"Sorry bro; I know it must be hard for you."

"It's not. I know how much of a prick Karofsky can be, but somehow I pity him."

Kurt was now the one spilling the beans; luckily, it escaped Finn unnoticed. Kurt decided to leave before he said too much. It wasn't like he was getting something from Finn tonight anyway.


Blaine was excited about the regionals coming closer. The Warblers really were a great part of his life and he was confident about the competition. He had spent yesterday for almost all night researching and rehearsing songs he would suggest for the council. He didn't want to sound cocky; but he was almost certain he would sing lead solo at regionals and he wanted to make sure they picked up a song that suited his voice.

He and Kurt had left school together and were now at his favorite coffee shop enjoying a nice afternoon. He couldn't wait to share his ideas with his friend and almost rushed Kurt for a table after they collected their orders:

"So Kurt, I was thinking regionals and I'd really like to try "Misery" from Maroon 5; what do you think?"

"What makes you think the council will hear your idea and use it? Oh, right, they always do!"

Well, it seems that Kurt wasn't enjoying the afternoon as much as Blaine.

"Wow, I definitively didn't see that coming. Didn't mean to sound cocky; you can cut out the irony."

Kurt smiled apologetically to him and it made Blaine calmer. He didn't like to argue with Kurt, but Kurt cutting him off on something hurt a little. He was the only friend with whom Blaine could be completely honest and not fear being judged. Kurt was looking outside the window and lost in thoughts. Blaine cleared his throat which made Kurt look and start talking:

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