after a while, he also decided to go home, too. thoughts about his missing diary quickly entered his mind, and he felt his problems arising once again. he let out a sigh and clicked his tongue when he remembered he has some homeworks to do. sprinting off home, he makes up a plan on what to do this very night.


      taehyung groaned. this very line he's currently reading in his literature textbook was confusing him so much, and he's been trying to figure out what it means for the last twenty minutes of this hour. a sigh escaped his lips as he finally closed the textbook, homework still undone. he placed both of his arms on the back of his neck as he lifted one leg up and crossed with the other. he sighed for the nth time of the day, until he remembered the diary.

      he stood up from his seat and checked his drawers. he found the blue journal there, and happily turns the page to where he stopped. but then, he remembered earlier, and a frown immediately settled down on his face.


hey. it's been getting weirder here.

honestly, i don't have any idea anymore. i don't have any idea of what these stupid feelings are. maybe it's a result of me overthinking too much, but with all honesty, i'm starting to realize things. and i hate everything that i am starting to realize. don't wanna believe it's true, but it's actually happening right now. everything is happening in the fucking reality.

i don't wanna hope. it'll just hurt. night.


     his eyes carefully hovered over the words. with his mind suddenly full of questions, he wondered again. what did the younger realize? why does he hate it? and hope about what? don't wanna hope because what? it hurts because of what? taehyung's mind was mixed up, and everything was seriously befuddling to him.

        he closed the diary and sat on wooden chair. sometimes, he can't understand jungkook. the boy was really disconcerting, and he's unpredictable at times. but that's what actually makes him extremely interesting, although taehyung knows he has to stop for a while. he doesn't want to confuse, let alone offend or hurt the boy, though he wants to know about him more.

      taehyung just closed the lamps and laid on his bed.


shit. he cursed in his mind. shit, shit!

      forcefully closing his math textbook, he laid his head down on the desk, head slightly aching from all the questions he has seen in the book. he isn't the type who loves math as a subject; in fact, he can burn whoever made this subject alive. he felt his energy slowly deteriorating from all the information he's been discovering and from all the things he's been experiencing lately. a groan left his lips as everything that happened in the past two weeks replayed in his mind. he needed a freaking outlet, and so, he took the journal he's using as a replacement out of his drawers.


  why is math complicated? i know it's important, but it's bull. tss...

i said complicated, right?

guess what's more complicated? (who actually)


do i even need to explain this one? do i even need to explain how seriously confusing this guy is.

good night.

P.S. min yoongi might look callous at first, but the guy is just as soft as a pillow.😂


     he slightly laughed at the side note before he tucked the notebook inside the drawers once again. his mind roamed on the thought about earlier once again even if he doesn't want to think about it anymore. kim taehyung was never like this, or maybe he realized something? even though he should feel better now that it's taehyung himself who is putting a gap between them, why is it that he's longing for his backhugs, for his clinginess, for his affection?

jungkook has no idea at all.

ok shoot i don't actually know what i'm doing right now i feel like there's something missing with the story. i've got the next chapters planned out already but i forgot some important things about the plot and i think i'm in a state of writer's block?

anyways, thank you for reading, voting and commenting on this story! i seriously appreciate those. love ya all!❤


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