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(/•<•)/during breakfast \(•>•\)

Everyone was sitting at the tables. Children were playing with each other while adults were striking up different conversations with each other making the dining hall VERY noisy. A certain elderly caretaker ,Mother Corey,decided it was time for everyone to settle down and eat. "Good morning everyone!" Mother Corey yelled to get everyone's attention. "GOOD MORNING, MOTHER COREY!" Everyone yelled back. Everyone besides Roxanne who was wishing she was invisible. Jonathan saw this and took note. Mother Corey started "Food will be served shortly. And when food is served there will be no...." "TALKING!" Came the loud reply. "Excellent. food should be ready by now." And as if on cue waiting for Mother Corey to finish. The food got served and everyone started to eat in a peaceful silence. Jonathan excused himself from the group and went over to Roxanne. "Hey Roxy, bring your food and come with me." Roxanne complied to what Jonathan said and followed him outside. They walked and walked and walked to the point where Roxanne felt like her knees would buckle. "Little bit more Roxanne." Jonathan replied the third time. At this point Roxanne was determined to make a point. She put her plate down and face planted on to the ground. "Roxanne get up.". Jonathan sighed and her picked and her plate of food and kept on walking. "we're here!" "Finally!!". They were in a meadow. "How about we make this our special place? Whenever one of us is sad we'll come here. All we have to do is to follow the path. 'Kay?" Jonathan asked. Roxanne tackle hugged Jonathan sending them to the ground with her on top. "thank you, thank you, thank you!" Roxanne yelled. 'Such a sweet kid.'"don't thank me Roxanne. isn't this what friends do?" Now every time Roxanne is bullied she first goes to Jonathan then they go to the meadow and play.

A/N : 322 words.

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