Mine (Also, New Story?)

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Hellooooo!!! I'm not dead......again. I'm so so so sorry for the late update. I'm such a lazy person. Thank you for 4K reads, it makes me really happy.


I'm also thinking about making another story. I don't know if I should though because I'm already really slow on updating my current stories. It's about a family with two parents who take care of 13 boys each a year apart.( Besides two who are twins.) The youngest age of one of the boys is 5 and in the story you start off as 6. So the eldest would be 16. They adopt you from an orphanage and the boys start to slowly attract to you. One day, the boys see their mom and dad yelling at (Y/n) for accidentally spilling water. All the brothers end up killing their parents and finding entertainment in it. They  end up being serial killers that have a strong desire towards you. On the day of your parents' death, a woman on the same day claimed to be your mothers sister. A DNA test was conducted and it turns out, she was. She took you in but the brothers, want to take you back. :3     What do you guys think? It would be titled something like Yander! Serial Killer Brothers x Adopted Sister Reader. Or something like that. Just tell me what you think in the comments.

{ Charles' P.O.V }

(The 3 Days Have Passed)

      It's finally time. I hop in the car and start heading over to where (Y/n) is. I think about what I'll be doing with her. An idea immediately pops into my head and and I plaster a smirk on my face.

       Arriving at (Y/n)'s friends' house, I park around the corner and start walking towards the house. Once I see it in view I walk casually towards it. In front of her house, I jump the side fence and hide in the backyard. I peek through a window to see (Y/n) sitting on a bed reading. I walk around the corner to the back door and quietly open it. Once I'm inside I slowly creep through the house and make it to the room (Y/n) is in. I look through the crack of the door seeing that (Y/n) had headphones in and couldn't hear. She was also facing towards the wall and her back to me. I enter the room and get a piece of cloth ready. I sneak up behind her and press it against her face. She starts struggling and I know that she's holding her breath. I slide my hand down to her waist and tickle her. She lets out a small laugh that quickly stops. She starts to struggle less and I. The next few seconds, she's out.

{ (Y/n) P.O.V }

       My eyes slowly start to open only to be met with pitch black darkness.


     I start to hear a muffled sound and slowly look up. I can't see anything at all. It feels cold and I can hear metal clanking very loudly. Suddenly, all my senses come back to me and I try to move. I can't. My hands a chains to a wall and my feet are tied together. The muffled sounds started to get louder. My eyes start to adjust to the darkness so I jolt my head up and I see a girl sitting across from me. She had tears in her eyes and she looked terrified. I notice that her mouth was taped shut and she had so many cuts on her body. Right next to her The was a man holding something.

"I see you're awake (Y/n)~"

"H-How do you know my name?"


        The name goes through my head repeatedly until I notice the man had walked over right in front of me.

"Look up."

        I disobediently keep my head down




         I slowly put my head up and quickly freeze once I see who it is. Charles. Hayate and him are bestfriends. Whenever Hayate got angry at me and beat me, Charles was always there laughing or helping him. I remember that once, when Hayate was sick from school, Charles grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to an empty classroom. He started beating me just so he would know what the feeling of it would be like. I went through more pain than what Hayate usually does.

"Good. Do you remember this?"

As Charles pulls out a metal pipe, I start to furiously struggle. He used that pipe to beat me. I could still so the partial blood stains on it.

"Now now, calm down."

I stop struggling but still tremble.

"Good. Let me turn on the lights."

As the lights flick on I try to adjust my eyes again to the lighting. While looking around the room, right I front of me is a girl. She's covered in scars, bruises, cuts, and blood. I see her quietly shaking and crying.

"This is Amy. You two can keep each other company, talk, and do girl stuff. I'll be upstairs. Oh! And there's no point in screaming. The walls are sound proof."

And with that, Charles walked over to Amy, took the tape off her mouth, and left the room making sure to lock it. I study the room more and see nothing unusual at first. But when I turn my head around to see behind me, whips, chains, toys, gags, knives, and ropes covered the wall. I quickly look at Amy with a worried look.

"H-How long have you been here?"

"A-About 3 months."

"You're that girl that went missing!!! On the radio, it said that you are no longer a missing person. People stopped looking for you."


Yandere! Abusive Ex Boyfriend x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now