Chapter Twenty-Four - The Burrow

Start from the beginning

"Who are you?" I asked cautiously. She turned around and put her finger to her lips as she lay the sleeping baby down. She stood and I took her appearance in. She had waist length long dark hair and beautiful long lashes. She had thick, perfectly manicured eyebrows and high cheek bones. She had small rosy pink lips and a defined jawline. She had big protuberant eyes that were the color of greenstone.

"My name is Alessandria." She spoke with a hint of a French accent. "I am Ron's girlfriend." My jaw dropped.

"Oh! I'm so sorry I didn't know. How rude of me." I said stowing my wand and shaking her hand. I didn't feel anything but annoyance at Ron for not telling me so that I was sprung this way. All feelings of any jealousy were entirely non-existent.

Ron burst through the door and both Alessandria and I shushed him. He stared at us for ages, preparing for awkwardness but it never came.

"I'll give you two some privacy, it was lovely to meet you Alessandria." I said stepping around Ron and heading out the door.

I walked outside to find Pansy and Neville sitting outside on a garden bench. Pansy stayed silent as Neville rubbed her reassuringly on the back. They looked up as I approached them.

"Neville may I speak to Pansy for a second?" I asked politely.

He looked at her and she nodded before responding. "Sure I guess. I'll go help the men." He said getting up.

I watched him go before taking a seat beside Pansy.

"Come to take the piss out of me for crying in front of everyone?" She said bitterly.

I gasped and put my arm around her. "I came to thank you for saving my life."

"I would've done it anyway. Even if you weren't there." She said in a whisper.

"But I was there, and if you hadn't....done what you did, I wouldn't be here with you now. I'm grateful Pansy. Truly." I sighed.

I adjusted my arm around her. It felt weird. She scoffed at my movement. "It must irk you to touch me. The one person you probably hate most in the world. Am I right?"

"No. It doesn't irk me. And I don't hate you. It's just, new. That's all." I gave her a small smile as she looked up at me. I saw the longing in her eyes and I lay my head on her shoulder. She smelled of apples. "Pansy, I want you to know that I'm here for you. Forget all the other shit. That's been said and done. You're going to need someone and that doesn't have to be me but the option is there. I know what it's like to no longer have your parents around."

She wrapped her arms around me and sobbed into my shoulder. I rubbed her back affectionately. "Granger, you don't get it. I may have helped you tonight but that was only sheer coincidence. I came to that house tonight to kill my father." She sobbed.

This shocked me but I had to make the best out of what I had. "I don't mean any disrespect Pansy, but your father was somebody who hurt a lot of people. You saved more lives than you took and that does make you a good person. We both know you saved at least one life here tonight."

I looked at her as she lifted her head off me and stared back. She smiled a faint smile. "It may not feel like it right now but I promise you, you'll be okay." I whispered.

She chortled as she released me and wiped her eyes. "Oh I don't know about that Granger. I'm sitting next to you. I may never be okay." She laughed quietly as she grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I squeezed back and laughed too.

Draco came out carrying three giant mugs of Mrs Weasley's rich hot chocolate and handed us a mug each.

"Where's Blaise?" Draco asked.

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