Crap, I do not think I can stay here any longer with Caius. Yes, I'm physically with him but emotionally he is not. He won't even talk to me or spend an hour with me because he is too dedicated with his work and to his patients.

"But you will have a party at our place, okay? We need to celebrate this with the others." Carla said with a hopeful look. She really wants this to occur.

Caius sigh and his hold on me loosen up a bit. "Fine."

Soon enough, then three guys came to us and honestly speaking, they are all good looking. Caius really blends with them and they were like the number one heartbreak in high school because of their remarkable good features.

"I never invited you in my wedding." Caius coldly spat at them with a narrow look. Wait, are these his enemies or something?

The three just laughed at him, totally not affected by the cold glare that Caius is giving. "Be cool, man. We expect no invitations from you so we invited ourselves in." One of them stated, then he turns to face me. "Congratulations, Shanaya. I'm Mike."

"Mike? You seem familiar." I guessed, accepting his hand that was inviting me to shake it.

"I'm a Fashion Designer and I'm not gay." He quickly replied, chuckling at the end.

Oh. That's it. His life and designs were featured in our magazine that's why he's familiar. He is also known for dating and bedding a lot of supermodels that he works with. So, this man is surely not the right person to trust when you're working.

"Step aside, I want to meet this mushroom." The guy with a jet black hair pushed Mike aside so he could talk to me.

"Mushroom?" I asked, totally confused of the name he has given me. 

"Because you suddenly come out, out of nowhere." He replied, and looks at me straightly. "Caius, we were with you almost everyday and this is the first time that I've seen this woman. Did you hide her?"

"I do not need to tell you that." Caius replied, crossing his arms.

"But isn't it just the other day that you saw you with —" the other one said but he was immediately cut off.

"I don't think it's one of your business to know about that." Caius nearly groan and his voice was definitely not happy right now then let out a deep sigh. "Just to inform you, that guy you called you mushroom is Rafael, and this asshole is Phoenix."

What was Phoenix about to say? That suddenly doesn't feel right.

I gulped and still plastered a smile on my face. "Well, it was nice meeting all of you." I was about to say something more when Caius wraps an arm around my waist and starts pulling me away.

I was about to ask where we are going but the event organiser told us that we should head to the reception where there are buffet for the visitors. And in my surprise, there are a lot more visitors  waiting us there.

The venue was arranged and decorated which was leading me to the question, who invited this guys? What if they know me and they know Gale? My identity is still hidden so I do not know if I should be out like this because of course, some of them must have knew my father and he's a well known businessman.

Mistaken Love (#Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now