Caribbean Werewolf Chapter 2

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Below there's a picture of Sean Faris as Jack! Just pretend he has piercing green eyes ;)

I recommend listening to the song I attached to this chapter, it really helps set the mood, but the real theme song to this novel is Primavera by Ludovico Einaudi.. AND... E.T. by Katy Perry ... :D


Chapter 2: Supernatural

 The rest of the day was filled with questions about Jack. All the girls had noticed him, and they were gossiping non-stop. Mary Ann was starting to get annoyed. Everybody seemed convinced there was something going on between them, but  Jeez!  Mary Ann thought. They'd only known each other for a couple hours, and she was even trying to avoid him! When the last school bell rang, dismissing them, she only hoped that the next day wouldn't be as bad. Maybe the rumors would die down when everybody noticed how exaggerated they were being.

That night, as she took a warm bath in her huge jacuzzi-shaped bathtub, she kept replaying that moment over and over again in her head. Had she heard right?  Had that really been a growl? Could he be one of them? Was he a... ?


She couldn't let herself think about it. She was probably imagining things. He couldn't be. She was probably just stressed by the fact that they might have met before at home, and he would find out she had been born there. She convinced herself that she was imagining things, and that him finding out that she was from PR was the worst thing that could happen, and that if it did it wouldn't be that bad. It's not like her being hispanic changed anything. It was the other thing that she was that would change something. It would change EVERYTHING. But she convinced herself nobody would find out. And she kept telling herself that. Over and over again.


The next morning at school everything seemed normal. They day was starting out slow. People were sleepy, nobody was causing trouble. Her first three classes were completely Jack-free, which had Mary Ann in a good mood.

That is... until lunch.

She was in the bathroom when Jack passed by the table she usually sat in. The girls sitting on the table signaled him to come over.

As soon as he was at the table, they told him to sit down and Nicole said, "Here's the deal lover-boy, we know you like Mary Ann."

"What makes you so sure?" Some of the girls sighed when they heard him speak. They thought they were sighing softly but he could hear them, and he had to stifle an eye roll.

"I've seen you staring at her all day! Look I know she's ignoring you, but that's probably because of her boyfriend Chris."

"Yeah," One of them said, he didn't recognize her from yesterday. "And to tell you the truth we don't really like Chris." She was lying and he knew it, he could hear it in her voice. Humans were so transparent. She probably just wanted to break them up so they could have Chris for themselves. "So we'd like your help... you know... to break them up. It's no big deal, Mary Ann will be so much happier when she gets rid of him." She said. "And to tell you the truth, I think she likes you back." She was lying again, even though this time he though maybe he would have liked it if what she said was true. Yeah, he kinda liked Mary Ann, there was something about her, something different, and she kinda looked familiar too... he could've sworn he'd seen her before.

"So... you gonna help us?" Nicole said.

He thought about it for a second, and when he was about to say no, one of the girls said, "Shhh! Here she comes!" He stood up and was about to leave when Nicole pushed him toward Mary Ann, and he almost bumped into her.

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