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Marcus's PoV

Me and Camryn raced around in the forest running from a hydra, when we came to a cliff. "What do we do?", asked Camryn.

"Well it seems we have to jump since we can't fight it without Kendrick and Dallas.", I calmly replied. With that we jumped and I slowed time a little so that we wouldn't die upon impact. We sat there to catch our breath when we heard a roar behind us. I heard Camryn curse in Greek and we took off once more. After awhile of running we saw Dallas and Kendrix.

"Dallas, Kendrix help us!", Jason yelled. When they looked behind us the drew their weapons and Camryn and I summoned ours. When we caught up with them we turned and saw the hydra was still a little ways back.

"Ok here's the plan", I spoke "I'll pause it and while you guys cut off it's heads and burn them, okay?"

They all nodded, and when the hydra caught up, we sprung into action. I focused on my powers and pulled out my watch. When I pressed the button the monster paused and allowed my cousins to cut off its head and burn the stumps, effectively killing it. "That was fun.", spoke Kendrix as he wiped monster dust off of him.

"Yea it was," spoke Dallas "now let's continue." When we turned around, to our surprise, was our destination, Camp Half Blood. On the hill stood a lone demigod with his sword drawn and a bottle filled with a Green liquid. He kinda looked like Camryn. He was 6'1, had sea green eyes, raven black hair and had a fair tan.

"Well then," He spoke " looks like you guys had it figured out." We looked at each of us and grinned.

"Yea, I guess we did.", I replied. He then decided to get a further look at us and showed a face of shock, disgust, and distrust. He then looked at the sky and yelled "You didn't keep your promise Olympian's!" He then looked back at use and invited us inside of the camp, his gaze of distrust aimed at me.

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