Thank you. I said and smiled fake with a sarcastic tone of voice.

"Your gonna drink tho's Starbucks all by yourself?"

Look here's your $5 and leave me alone. I said and headed it to him and walked out.

I went over to the line and handed Jess her drink, it was now 3:54, wow time flies fast.

"What took so long?"

Oh uh, there was a big line so..ya..

"Oh ok, OMG it's 4:00, O,clock, I can't believe I'm going to meet my idol,

My future boyfriend/husband"

I thought you said he is your boyfriend. I said laughing.

" shut up jul"

A big man came and lead all the girls into a room, Jess put on

My wrist band, I really didn't want to see his face again so I was just on

My phone playing a game following Jess, we went into a room and we where in line, we where the last 2 people in the line, justin bieber walked in and I heard girls scream all around me and hated it

It's been 45 minutes and Jess was next, she start crying and hugging him and said some words he said "I love you to babe" and she cried even more, it was 'my turn' to meet him, Jess wanted to stay on the room but they threw her out idk why but they did that to all the girls it's kinda rude.

"Come back for me huh?"

You wish, the only reason I'm here is for that girl you just met

"Oh really"

Can I leave now?

"You wanna leave? You didn't even tKe a picture with me?"

It's fine I only came for my friend, bye!

I said and left the room, I couldn't take any second of being with him in that room I went and called Jess.


Your still crying?

"Yes! I just met justin freaking bieber!!!"

Ok so..

"Was he nice to u, what did he say?"

Nothing I said can I leave now and then left, where are you?

"Are you crazy?!" I heard Jess say behind me and I hung up my phone.

Jess I don't like him I told you


~7:00 pm~

The concert stared we where in front row I was looking at how he performed, them went on my phone again he sang 3 songs them a really cute sing came on, I start look at how he was singing it, I really liked this song, i think it was called busty and a beat?

Some people came up to me and said "do you wanna be the one less lonely girl?" And I said what's that? And they said "just come on it will be fun" I seen Jess face and she was freaking out saying "you lucky little sh*t!"

I didn't like where this was going cuz now I'm backstage.

"Hey I'm fredo"

Hi, what's a one less lonely girl?

"Sorry I would tell you but justin said not to"

What?! OMG no I need to leave

"You can't, there's no more time now go!!"

The dancers lead me to justin and he smirked at me, he got my hand and lead me to the chair which was pretty cool, I sat down and he looked into my eyes and I looked into his, when I looked in his eyes I couldn't hear/see anything it was just him and only him, it didn't seem like it was 50 million girls here, it felt like just me and him

He put his hand on my face and I smiled, he had so much passion while singing this song, he went closer to me as if it looked like he was gonna kiss me but he didn't, it was just to see if I would back away from him but I didn't.

The song ended, and he asked me what's my name, and I told him it was Juliet, he said "everyone give it up for Juliet"

And he hold'ed my hand and we ran backstage, we where back stage and he looked at me.

"So I thought you didn't like me?"

I don't

"Why didn't you back away when I acted like I was gonna kiss you?"

Cuz I knew it was just a test. Lie, I wanted to kiss him.

"Sure you you wanna hang out after the show?"

I was gonna say know but then I thought about what my mom told me "never be mean to someone, give them a chance and see how they are"

I would, but I can't...I have to go home with my best friend, and she'll freak if she knows I'm

Hanging out with you.

"Wait, you would?"

Ya I know I've been mean to you and I shouldn't, everyone deserve's a chance to get to know someone.

"Ok well, can I get your number? And I'll text you later?"

Uhh...sure why not. I said nervously.

I gave him my number and he gave me a hug.


I deleted 2 story's I thought they where useless and corny, hope this gets read's!

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