Wolfie (Fluff)

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Byun Baekhyun wondered into a cabin deep down the woods, being brave enough he decides to go inside, meeting a mysterious figure


Baekhyun P.O.V

I don't know for how long I've been running, hell it even came to my surprise that I ran away from my so called "family", imagine not being served pancakes when you clearly asked for them? My dad would always, and I mean ALWAYS cook me omelettes.

My mom on the other hand began to sell my old toys to strangers, many times I would beg her not to do so, she ignored my pleas, as for my brother, I would dread the times he would come home whenever he fought with his girlfriend, he would play with my game stations without asking me for permission. Why did I had such a miserable life? Why was I given to a disgusting family? What did I do wrong to suffer like this?

As I continued walking through the forest I found an old looking cabin, usually you don't enter a cabin in the woods because they are scary, but I needed somewhere to hide for now, so why not?

I pushed the old creaky door open
Expecting to see a mess everywhere with spider webs and dust, but instead I was welcomed by a warm looking living room, all clean and no mess, I invited my self in and walked to kitchen, I checked the cupboards to find dry snacks available, maybe I should help myself to these snacks.

After filling a bowl up with snacks I made my way to the couch and sat down, once I'm done I guarantee that I will leave this place.


Chanyeol's P.O.V

My ear suddenly began twitching as my nose began picking up a foul stench coming from downstairs, I immediately woke up from my nap and steadily went down stairs, another selfish human dared to enter my cabin, there's a reason why I hanged up a sign in the front door!

As I made my way downstairs, still in my wolf, the foul stench got stronger, I began to follow the scent when it led me to a boy eating MY chips, that I worked for! I began to make soft growls wanting to catch his attention, but nothing, the boy was looking at MY TV which I paid for! That's when I lost my temper, I pounced at the boy from behind catching him off guard, he began to struggle as I was biting down on his shirt tugging it.

"GET OFF OF ME!!?" The boy smashed the plate on my head causing me to loose grip on his shirt, with out looking at him and still crying because of the injury the boy stood up

"Damn wolf, can't you see that I can get an infection because of this? Ugh hopefully you don't have rabies, or I swear to god I will hunt you down and kill you!" He turned around to me looking at me straight into my eyes, I managed to see the rascals face, a face that should never belong to such a rude boy. I stopped growling at him, I stepped closer to the boy who was still standing over me, he hesitantly reached out trying to pet me.

"You should tell me your name first before I tell you mines!" He said as he yanked my collar fiercely, by then I turned into a human in front of him.

"Don't you think you owe me from eating all my snacks and using my cable TV service? Clearly I didn't gave you permission to touch either of them, plus you broke into MY cabin-" I then suddenly felt a sharp pain on my area that should NEVER feel this way. "YOU DAMN PERVERT GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"

I looked at him still growling, but he seemed not to care, his face still flustered until I realized I was naked in front of him. Out of all the times why is it that my collar only remained...


"Huh?...I'm sure i didn't hear correctly, say that again?" He said as he picked up a shard of the plate whilst staring at me menacingly. "N-nothing..."

He walked to my kitchen and sat on a stool, "So what's your name pervert?" He asked while picking up MY leftover cookie from last night, "C-Chanyeol..." He giggled

"You're submissive, aren't you? If that's the case, call me Master, or Master Baekhyun~ From this day forward you'll be my wolf, and you'll do anything I want~!" He said proudly. I could only nod my head a yes, fearing for my life. "Go make me some pancakes Chanyeol, and I want them EXTRA Fluffy! Chop chop!" He clapped his hands at me as I stood up to walk to the kitchen before he stopped me, "But before you touch my food, you might want some clothes, you don't want your little birdie flying away, right?" He giggled

*Sigh* this is my new life, huh? I can say the least that I AM NOT excited for this...


HELLO MY LOVELIES, Here is the fluff version of my one shot Wolfie~ I do hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did!

With love

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