Chapter 10: The Return of the Princess Ball

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Marinette's POV

we entered the castle as a class so no one would get suspicious . Then when we enter the ballroom waiting for mother and father . Then trumpets 🎺 sounds and we all turned and bowed to the king and queen .

King Tom : welcome to The Return of the Princess Ball , the princess has decided to remain a secret until her coronation. With that please enjoy the Ball .

And with that they left . And the music 🎶 started to play a slow song and something I never expected happened ........

Adrian : would you like to dance 💃 M'lady ?

Marinette: su-sure . (As he took my hand to lead me to the dance floor , I could feel a blush creep onto my face)

When we go there we faced each other and he put a hand around my waist and mine around his neck and we started to sway to the music 🎶. And we stared into each other's eyes .

We danced for what seemed to be hours .
Then I said .........

Marinette : would you like to take a stroll in the rose 🌹 garden?

He just nodded . And then we left quietly and went to the rose 🌹 garden . ( just so you know the rose garden has tall Bushes and the garden is romantic and seclusive)

Adrian : it's very beautiful.
Marinette: yeah.........
Adrian: Mari I want to tell you something.
Marinette: what is it?
Adrian : Mari , I .... ummm ..... love you

I was in completely shocked 😳. And I wanted to say I love him too but I couldn't manage to make words come out.

Adrian : I'm's okay if you d....
Then I interrupted him , and did the only thing I could think 🤔 of .....

He was in shock for a couple of seconds but then he started kissing me back with so much passion

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

He was in shock for a couple of seconds but then he started kissing me back with so much passion.

Queens POV
We saw Marinette lost in his eyes and anyone could feel the love 💗 radiating off them . It was so sweet .

Marinette POV
Once we stopped kissing and were talking for awhile they announced the ball was over . We got into the limo and went up to our hotel room and got ready for bed 🛏.
I changed into this

Then I laid down next to Adrian and I fell asleep 😴, in Adrian's arms

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Then I laid down next to Adrian and I fell asleep 😴, in Adrian's arms .

Miraculous Princess MarinetteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang