There's Nowhere We Can Hide

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Author's Note: And now... time for a Supernatural fanfiction! Cuz that's my favorite show ever. And Destiel is my OTP. I'm writing this for my friend James, this was his idea actually. And the title  is from the song Demons by Imagine Dragons which is a good song for this pairing I think. Um.. spoilers for the end of season 9! Yeah there'll probably be just one other chapter but who knows... Anyway this has slash, the pairing is Dean/Castiel! So if you don't like that, this isn't the story for you ;) Enjoy!

Being a demon was kind of weird, in Dean’s opinion. After all, he had spent his whole life hating and killing demons… and now he was one. It was kind of like that time he was turned into a vampire, but at least that was reversible. He wasn’t sure if this was, or if he even wanted to reverse it. After all, being a demon wasn’t all bad. He didn’t have to worry about petty emotions that got in the way. Sure, they were there, but they weren’t as vivid as they had been back when he was a human. Plus he was stronger now, and he could protect Sam better. After all, that had always been his job, ever since he was a kid: protecting Sam.

Of course, Sam wasn’t all too happy about the demon thing. He couldn’t blame his brother for that. If their roles were reversed he’d be pissed! But still, this didn’t have to be a bad thing. Sam didn’t have to always be such a little bitch.

Dean was more worried about how Castiel would feel. After all, would an angel reject a demon? Sure, Cas had that thing with Meg, but that was pretty short lived since she died. He had been dreading Cas’s reaction, but at the same time was excited to see him. Now that he was a demon, he could focus more on his wants and needs, rather than those of other people. And what he wanted was Cas. He had denied and suppressed those feelings as a human. After all, they were both dudes, and he wans’t homophobic or anything, but still. He had an image to maintain: he was a womanizer. But now, as a demon, concepts like sexuality meant little to him. It was as simple as this: Cas was fucking hot, Dean loved him, and he was pretty sure Cas loved him back. What was stopping them from being together?

“You know, Winchester, there’s the issue of you being a demon. Little old Castiel liked Dean, the human he saved from Hell. Will he want you now?” Crowley asked Dean. Dean gave the King of Hell a startled look. “Oh, don’t give me that look. You are so predictable. You’ve been in love, or lust, or something was Cas for years now, and now that you’re a demon you’re finally accepting it. You don’t hide your feelings nearly as well as you think you do.”

“Remind me why you’re here again, and why I don’t just tell you to fuck off?” Dean asked.

“Because, you love my company, and let’s face it, you need the moral support,” Crowley answered with a smirk.

“Ugh, I thought being a demon would make your douchiness easier to handle, but it didn’t,” Dean complained. Crowley rolled his eyes at the new demon’s antics.

“Quit being such a bitch. That’s Moose’s job,” Crowley reminded him. Dean had to hold back a smile at that comment.

“Think he’ll come around to the whole me-being-a-demon thing?” Dean wondered.

Crowley shrugged. “Who knows, Dean. Your brother is weird.”

Dean looked at his watch and sighed. “Where the hell is Cas? Usually when I pray to him, he shows up right away!”

“It’s only been 10 minutes. Relax. He’s probably busy cleaning up Heaven after the whole Metatron mess,” Crowley pointed out. Damn, Dean hated it when Crowley was right.

“Shouldn’t you be dealing with Hell?” Dean asked him. Crowley glared at him.

“I’m the King of Hell, I can do whatever I want. I’ve earned a break!” Crowley insisted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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