Chapter 2

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That was 324 years ago.  In my time with the Volturi, I have learned that I have... abilities. Not very good ones at that. They are mostly used for... information gathering. My father and I never had a relationship. He was so damn condescending. Always claiming the high road. Then one night I went to speak with him and his quarters were empty. That was around 300 years ago. I only stayed another decade before heading back to London. From there I migrated to the colonies. I have seen a lot of shit since then. I won't go into much detail. 

Well, now you are all caught up. 

(Present Time)

I walk along the street of this small town in Washington. I look ahead to find a place to get out of the rain for a moment. 'It's not that I'm worried about getting sick. I just hate it when my socks get wet.'

There is a small diner ahead, so I go inside there. I push my hood down and shake the water out of my hair. I push my wet hair out of my face as I hear some girls giggle to themselves. I look over at them and one girl is looking at me and our eyes meet. 

"Oh my god, he is hot." She says quietly to her friends.

"Jess, you say that about like every guy that we don't go to school with." One of her friends says.

"Bella, you haven't seen this one. I agree with Jess." The other one says. I pass by their table and nonchalantly look at them then nod.

"Ok, he is really cute." She says as they all giggle. I sit down at a window booth a few down from them. I watch the storm clouds. After 300 years I still love to watch the skies and sit in nature. I feel like my mother is still with me when I do.

"Jess, if you don't go get his number I will." The second one says and I roll my eyes. 

'They make this too easy anymore. At least 150 years ago they were weary of strangers.' I think to myself as lighting cracks across the sky. I smile. Then I hear movement and I keep my eyes trained on the sky until a young woman sits across from me. I slowly drag my eyes away from the window. 

"H-hey." She says nervously under my gaze. 

'She has got to be smarter than this.'

"Hello," I turn my full attention to her. She blushes a bit and looks at her hands.

"Umm. My n-name is J-Jessica." She says as she sticks her hand out for a handshake and I smirk.

"Alexander," I say as I take her hand and gently kiss it. She turns at least five shades of red. "You may call me Zander."

"Z-Zander? That is a nice name." She says nervously.

"May I ask why you left your friends to sit with me, a stranger?"

"Well... I was wondering... If you would want to go on a d-date sometime? Maybe?" She says with a hopeful smile. I stare at her for several long moments. 

'She doesn't seem like much of a meal, but beggars can't be choosers.'

"I hate to disappoint, but I will not be staying here long. I am traveling north." I say and her face drops. 

"Oh. That is too bad." She says sadly. She is on the verge of tears and I mentally groan. 

'I have such a bleeding heart.'

"Well... I might be able to stay... For a few days." I say and she smiles. "How about Saturday?"

"Yes! I mean... Yeah sure. That works. I'll give you my number." She says. I hand her my phone and she adds herself to my contacts. I take my phone back and text her. "I'll see you then. I am so excited."

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