Chapter 50: Witches Punishment

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Jennifer P.O.V

I followed Klaus and Marcel with fries in my hand. The music was loud. By the end of this I am gonna have a damn headache.

Vampires jumped from tops of building.

"So how is your family?"

"Those who lived-"

I could hardly hear what they where saying it was getting to loud.

" make your own. You thought me that"

I just stared blocking everything out. I hardly could her what they are saying and my head is staring to hurt.

When Marcel whistled everyone stop. And started cheering. Really that was all it took for them to stop?

"Jane ann Deveran"

Klaus looked curious and like he was ready to kill her or just threaten her.

I stood the confused like an idiot.

"Give it up for Jane ann"

More cheers filled the streets.

"Jane have been accused of the practice of witch craft beyond the blind of the rules are forth and inforced-"

He looked to see how excited everyone was.

"-by me. How do you plead? Oh...-"

He walked over to Klaus.

"Was that convincing? I studied law back in the fifty"

He didn't wait for an answer and walked back to the witch

"Seriously Jay tick tock. You know the drill. How do you plead?"

"I didn't do anything"

Marcel shook his head "umm..umm that's a lie. You know it. I know it. And you hate that I know it. It drives you witches crazy that I'm aware if your every move. That you can't do magic in this town WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT. So...why don't we just cut to the chase uh?"

When did he get that branch?

Klaus and Jane seems gonna be a note as staring contest.

"You tell me what your brewing and you tell me I'll grant you leannsy"

(A/nI am a terrible speller I know)

"Hey I am after all a mursiful man"

Why do I find that hard to believe?

"Rot in hell monster"

Everyone began chatting. I like her. They had a mini staring contest. If like could kill. They both would be in the Pacific Ocean.

"I'll tell you what...I'll give you one more chance"
Everyone began chatting.
He walked away. Bit before anyone could react he turns back around and slits her throat.

"Or not"

My eyes widen not because how fast he killed her but because everyone cheered and celebrated her death.

Klaus stayed still as everyone walked back to the bar celebrating.

Klaus walled up to Marcel and roughly grabbed him.

"What was that?"

"Hey... come walk with me. Witches aren't allowed to do magic here. She broke the rules."

"I told you I want to talk to her"

"Ok I'm sorry I got caught up in the show. Those witches tgey still think they have power in the town and I have to show them that they don't. I never waste an opportunity for a show of force. The lesson that I learn from you."

And I don't know what it took for just that last sentence but I ended up running. Running away from Klaus and Marcel.

"I could find our for you"

Their voices seems far away. I couldn't t hear them. I'm not eating this easy because of her death. Bit it us because two vampire talking to another who have no trouble killing someone in a blink of an eye. It just didn't make me feel like I should be there.

3rd P.O.V

Klaus shifted his eyes.

"Well whatever it was doesn't matter does it"

Macle smiled "good. Good then let's eat cause all that spilled blood makes me hungry"

Marcel shook Klaus little passing by him. Klaus didn't seem to notice that Jennifer was gone.

Jennifer P.O.V

I ran into a restaurant but when I saw Klaus leather jacket I thought about just leaving. An image of how Jenna could have died passed throw my mind. Did he rip her heart out? Did he stake her? Is it stupid of me to stupid him? Is that basically saying that I dont care he killed Jenna? Is it stupid of me to still be mad at him? I saw him talking to someone.

But I dont go in still going to avoid him. Klaus walked over to two guys grabbing them threateningly. Ingress he is about to kill them. I walked out.

I passed someone. She had candles set up. I walked over to her.

"Hey you alright?"

She jumps not expecting me to be there. She was crying.

"Hey you alright?"

She wiped her tears away

"Yeah I'm fine"

"You know-"

The door slammed shut. She jumps again and faced the door.

"How much you want to bet it is stupid vampires?"

She smiled a little. I turned around when I heard a sound. It was like the wind moving quickly. Or a vampire running. Definly vampire.

We turns around and saw a creep. Well he is probly a vampire but he looks like a creep. She turns her head upset.

"The doors work you know"

"Your doing magic?"

I tried around to see another man. I swear these guys are also creeps.

"I'm praying to my dead sister. Go ahead pay your respects"

Ann was her sister?

She turned around and I felt her bump shoulder with me. I turned around and saw a vampire.

"Don't make this harder. The hybrid is looking for Jane Marcle wants know why."

"Well that sound like witch businesses. I'd say ask her yourself but I guess you can't seeing as Macle killed her"

She turned back around a larger vampire sped up to us and the smaller one held both her arms in his and throw me to the wall she I feel under the stairs. That if I stay here all night no one would see me.

But the smaller vampire as all of a sudden lifted from the ground. He just disappeared. Could it be Klaus? Sophia and the other vampire looked over to whee the smaller vampire disappeared.

All if a sudden I hear a sound of something hitting the pavement. They turned their head to face the way. The last vampire too steps forward getting a better look at it. Sophia looked scared and the lager vampire like up quickly. He turnes around angry when he was throw to the wall with...spiked?

With a dagger picking out if his chest.

"I'm Elijah"

Please don't let I'm see me.

"You heard of me?"

Sophie shook her head afraid.


He took steps closer.

"So why dont you tell me what to about your family businesses with brother?"

Good he didn't notice.

"And why is Jennifer here?"


A/N: Terrible I know

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